It’s an Albany expression.
It’s an Albany expression.
I’m more baffled by “somehow cruelty free.”
Give it a shot, it’s got a similar vibe to Defunctland.
New Defunctland AND Yesterworld dropped a pretty interesting Roger Rabbit history last week.
He’s like a less sympathetic version of Kendall Roy.
Trump only works as a believable villain if you set the story in an alternate, hellscape timeline that skewed off of ours in 1955.
Sounds good to me. If the scalpers are forced to sell at a significant loss, I could pick one up for cheap. I get a reasonable price, they get screwed, everyone wins.
Easy, tell them they took “gullible” out of the dictionary.
It’s actually worse than that. He says he regrets hurting him BECAUSE Paul Pelosi wasn’t his target. Meaning, “I regret hitting him with a hammer when what I really wanted to do was kill Nancy Pelosi with a hammer.”
I got a Community notification for this?
Unless I get Master Nguyen, then I’m all the heroes.
I’m still annoyed that Hearthstone changed the battlegrounds perks cost from a currency you could earn in-game to one you had to buy. Which is why I don’t get perks anymore.
This site explains all those terms:
Here’s my solution: don’t buy them. There’s no reason to.
For what it’s worth, an Apple TV+ subscription is about half as much as HBO.
Yeah, to populate foliage or to give NPCs varied routines. Nothing that’s actually story-based.
Right, but what’s interesting about that interior? Why would I want to explore it? What’s the value of being able to generate an entire office building interior if it just has, at best, random loot to pick up? Machines can’t do environmental storytelling because they don’t know how to make stories.