I bet the Egyptian would have felt a more inclusive spirit if he were matched up against And Sasson.
I bet the Egyptian would have felt a more inclusive spirit if he were matched up against And Sasson.
Dressage is, in essence, horse dancing. But make no mistake, the event requires just as much training and athleticism as any other Olympic-level competition—both for the horse and the rider (those who say otherwise have probably never ridden a horse).
That guy is going to have so many deformed kids in 9 months...
Yeah, I mean, the Weeknd is trash. What were they thinking?
Track and Field – Men’s Marathon
“Joey Votto metaphorically hit a home run straight into my dick and my dick exploded.”
Do you mean to say that Joey Votto donged a dong, a dong that’s now gone?
I was right there with you until you said rodeo was a good thing.
You laugh, but I just translated it. It says:
You might say Ready wasn’t...
Someone needs a safe space.
Trump just wants religious wars, not race wars. And the reasons race relations are suffering under Obama are two: ubiquitous cameras recording cops, and white racists losing their minds that we are having eight years of a near perfect black president. They must be so confused!
“Hillary, Obama and the democratic party have set race relations back 50 years in the last 7 years”
The butthurt in the comments is real.
Trump is a racist gasbag who is more concerned about not offending the KKK and white nationalists than he is about blacks, Hispanics, middle easterners or women. He is a petulant child who would burn the Constitution if it stands in the way of him getting his revenge on some perceived threat. He will completely…
His experience is invalid because he explained some context of his experiences?
Do you really have to be liberal to dislike Donald Trump?
Yeeeeaaahhh.....no. I’m not a fan of either, but the reality is that Presidents have little power domestically without the cooperation of Congress. The Republicans will hate Clinton regardless, but BOTH parties hate Trump. Neither Presidency will get much done domestically (though Clinton has a chance if the Democrats…
We’re trying to run a civilization here - not a 3 card monte street hustle.
It’s the other way around. Take your chances with her than Trump. Hillary is not perfect, and is a lying sack of shit politician, just like all politicians.
I tried watching the HR Derby. I really did. But I couldn’t get past Chris Berman ruining everything with his shtick. I had to turn it off. Can he please be put out to pasture already?