
Public defenders usually have 90-120 clients at any given time. They give a shit, or they wouldn’t be working there. But it’s literally impossible for them to devote this kind of attention to each client. If that pisses you off, you should contact your representatives to allocate more funds and hire more public

In fact, if you look closely the girl on the right’s face is slightly lighter than the rest of her body. Which maybe this kind of proves how incredibly stupid it is to be looking this hard for a way to be offended?

In the first picture, it looks like the two girls on the left are not white. The one on the right just looks like she’s been to a tanning salon frequently.

The government already successfully regulates legal gambling. Why can’t they regulate this too?

Whatever has to happen for there to be about 99.9% less of their commercials on television, I’m all for it.

Who here is using blackface? You’re stretching so far you broke.

They didn’t do anything wrong here. Get over it.

If you can’t conclusively say its blackface it probably isn’t.

I don't see any evidence of blackface. Am I missing it or is this just another rush to take offense?

Are we really living in a time where a (big fucking scare quotes) “writer” mines Twitter, reposts a Twitter user’s completely speculative post, only to add pictures that in no way, shape, or form supports the story at hand, AND people comment with an automaton-like outrage reflex because they were fucking trained to

Blackface, now, apparently. This is a joke and irresponsible journalism (Jezebel’s wheelhouse). No evidence of blackface in any picture. If someone did, and evidence comes out later, egg on my face. But there is nothing as of now to suggest it was used at this party.

Wow that's messed up

Show me some pictures of blackface and I’ll call for their expulsion. But, from the pics that I saw at the Daily Bruin’s site, I can’t say that anything I’ve seen screams “racist”.

You totally nailed exactly what I’m feeling.

I think you might get dirty mining gold? perhaps? this whole thing is confusing me because I don’t see any blackface. IS there backface? Because it kind of takes away from the severity of blackface if people are not wearing blackface and being accused of wearing blackface.

Reads Headline: THAT’s outrageous!

I think those may have been the gold miner girls with the charcoal?? They had black stuff on their face.

So I looked at all the pics on The Daily Bruin, and none of the pictures showed people wearing blackface. As an Angeleno, I’m inclined to believe that the tan girls are that tan all the time. (Yay skin cancer...)

The paper also says that photos of the event—now evidently deleted—show people “with their foreheads covered in charcoal.”

I see girls dressed like idiots... but I don’t see blackface. Are there pics of this?