
But people who want to kill but don’t have a gun are not going to be very good at it. And how exactly did the lawyers mess up this one? What evidence should the police have used to arrest this guy prior to this shooting? Because he was a jerk who got fired? We should lock up every jerk who gets fired “just in case”?

I have fired handguns. They are disgusting machines. I understand that police and other such personnel need them because of the specific role they fill in an orderly society.

Against the lawyers that defend the mentally ill? Are you serious? Reagan defunded mental health facilities back in the eighties and ever since then there’s been a stigma for seeking treatment. Lawyers who defend the mentally ill aren’t some powerful fucking lobby out there.

Those same men are on record as saying that the constitution should be torn up and rewritten frequently.

They also owned slaves, declared slaves to be 3/5th a person, sure they were smart....250 years ago. How about we stop acting like everything they wrote is exactly as relevant today as it was back then.

Yeah, and that made sense in 1789, when the strongest a military could be is an army of a few thousand men, unarmored, firing slow-loading muskets that had terrible aim. There were no automatic weapons, or planes, or bombs, or rockets, or grenades, or tanks, or night-vision goggles, or nuclear weapons. It also made

Just because you can’t do something 100% perfectly, doesn’t mean you should do it 100% not at all. Nobody believes a law will lead to zero gun fatalities. You pass the law to reduce the number. Right now any yahoo can kill someone with a gun. We’re trying to make it so that only super smart, super sneaky yahoos can

It depends on what you mean by “smart”. They were certainly gifted thinkers but they were also unmistakably men of their time. Just about any modern Med school student probably knows more than the smartest Doctor of the 18th century about curing disease. Likewise, we know a ton of shit about governing that they

Lead paint for residential use.

I’m all in favour of the Second Amendment, provided it applies only to guns that existed at the time the amendment was ratified. No centerfire ammunition, semi-auto, double-action revolver, none of that.

You don’t even get a percussion cap (invented in 1807), so good luck killin’ folks when it rains.

Vote : Logitech Harmony 650

Update (8:08 p.m.): That was quick.

GotStyle (where they went shopping) does a lot of the suits for Sportsnet anchors. So GotStyle was clearly giving something in exchange for extra coverage. Travis was used, he should have been reimbursed.

“Let’s take a rookie to get a makeover” is not journalism. Fuck you, pay him.

It’s like it was written by RomRoberts

I’ve never seen baseball as a game where you go to see any particular position player play. (And I’m an Oriole fan, so we spent a decade or more swooning over seeing Cal Ripken “play”. He’d go one-for four and catch some grounders standing up. Maybe homer once a week. Not that “exciting” on any given night. ) Go to

NFL: you abused the sacred ball and we will flatten you with our justice hammer

Lions push people over in their chairs? Well ya learn something new every day.

I still don’t get how making his order cost $3 instead of $6.50 was beneficial when he gets it for free.

1) spider man totally kills batman, if batmen gets his back broken by bane he gets destoryed by a faster stronger spiderman
2) Geno not being the QB has very little to do with the Jets season being over