Your spelling and spacing are a little off, Tom.
Your spelling and spacing are a little off, Tom.
Why is this stupid debate suddenly a thing? No, it’s not.
And UFC pulled the feed.
i don’t get all these skee lo comments the guy went 0 for 4 he didn’t have a hit single
I, too, have heard a song.
This clip is a perfect distillation of Cowherd. Conflation of two completely unrelated issues with little to no thought put into connecting them? Check. Overtly condescending tone while spouting stuff that makes literally no sense? Check. Not-even-subtle racism masquerading as bold truth-telling? Check.
the anti-Jeter
Anti-Jeter is a bad thing?!
This is why baseball is more fun in other countries
I thought the rule was you had reveal the magician by burying the pea in the flank of a swing man after you’ve been issued a physical challenge. Clear physical challenge here and, honestly, I was pretty sure Yelich was the designated magician. That wasn’t the case, but hindsight is 50/50. Reveal the magician with a…
I take that quote to mean he could smell the booze when Lawson was sweating in practice, which is less bleak.
I also reject the idea that the purpose (on a story that Craggs still stands behind) was to out someone.
The blackmail wasn’t the angle of the story, though, was it? The hook was who was being blackmailed (Geithner), and with what he was being blackmailed (a financial transaction for gay sex), and his tangential relation to a sitting President.
Are you off to have a drink? Maybe take bets on which employee’s private life gets splurged over some tawdry website?
Don’t blame you for taking off early. I’d be pretty embarassed to work for Gawker today.
You’re a fucking joke, Natasha.
Lol, I think Gawker affiliated sites need to take a break from posting these types of articles for a bit. Ya’ll lost a lot of cred last night.
shouldn’t you be over on i09 trying to destroy the moon or something?
So he shrinks down but retains his full-size strength, right? Does he also retain his mass? If not, how does he have the leverage to affect the world around him? If so, how does he not destroy every thing he steps on? Focusing the mass of a grown man on a point the size of an ant-foot seems like it should fuck some…