So you apparently do not live in reality. Moderate and liberal democrats get smeared all the time today by conservatives and there is certainly no “near-infinite benefit of the doubt from all the fashionable corners.”
So you apparently do not live in reality. Moderate and liberal democrats get smeared all the time today by conservatives and there is certainly no “near-infinite benefit of the doubt from all the fashionable corners.”
If you mean the party currently in power, yes. Congrats, these things tend to go in cycles.
Cool selective quotes about fascism. You realize, Nazism, although a form of fascism, has specific attributes that make it its own thing, right? No, apparently you do not. And I could provide you with countless quotes from authoritative sources that are actually specific to Nazism and support my argument, but why…
1. That’s not what Nazism is. Nice try.
There was no context, racist shithead. That was your only comment in the thread, as I’ve had to explain to you over and over again.
Haha, you should probably brush up on your American history.
Bullshit. Republican politicians frequently employ red baiting in completely inaccurate circumstances, either as a political tactic or out of their own ignorance. And many conservative constituents repeat these lies because they themselves are ignorant or as a way to delegitimize their opponents as not reflecting “trad…
Seriously, are you brain damaged?
Nope, not afraid of words. I’m just respectful of the impact they have. But you’re too ignorant and hateful to give a shit. Also, you’re a liar (not relevant, but it beats repeating).
And you’ve said it again, of course. You do you, stupid racist troll.
You’re a racist who traffics largely in identity politics, but happened to make an argument against it on one occasion so you could call someone the N-word.
Nope. There was no context. We’ve been over this many, many times. You either have some kind of learning disability or you are the world’s most stubborn troll. Which is it?
No, because telling someone“fuck you [N-word]”—full stop—proves you are racist. Then serially lying about it, despite being presented with concrete evidence of it, proves you are pathetic and a fraud.
I don’t care about your inane question, which if you had a lick of reading comprehension ability, you would have noticed I’ve already answered.
Haha you can’t type either. You really are something to be pitied.
Lol, your standard is subterranean, and it is rooted in abject racism and stupidity. Once again, you’ve lost the ability to communicate in coherent English, something that you barely had to begin with. Oh, well. It joins your inability to reason, understand interpersonal communications and grasp the rudiments of time.
Haha, I’ve got you so shook up your previous tenuous grasp on the English language is now completely gone.
Thanks. That was the product of a functioning brain, something which you demonstrated you lack.