You can’t apply some BS explanation you make in conversation B to a conversation you’ve had with Person A two weeks before.
You can’t apply some BS explanation you make in conversation B to a conversation you’ve had with Person A two weeks before.
Nope. You “denounced it” (haha) to the second person in a different second article more than two weeks later.
No, you didn’t. Not in the thread I’ve screenshotted and linked to. Anymore lies you’d like to try out?
There was no context, as I’ve proven time and time again. You merely replied “Fuck you [N-word]” to someone without adding anything else in your response to him/her.
I don’t care. What I do know is you’re a racist piece of shit troll.
No , stupid. You did no such thing. You told a commenter, “Fuck you [N-Word].” Full stop, no other argument or comment was made by you in that thread.
Once again, racist scum, I will merely copy and paste my 2 replies that are upthread because that is all you deserve. You think you are being clever in feigning ignorance, but you just look pathetic:
Sigh. I will merely copy and paste my comment from yesterday, moron:
No, you didn’t. Oops.
Because you didn’t say “people should be treated as individuals.” You merely said “Fuck you [N-Word].”
Nope, lying racist. The link proves otherwise.
Because you didn’t expand on that point, dummy, and you know it. All you wrote was “Fuck you [N-word].” You made no argument in that thread about “judging people as individuals.” I proved that only yesterday, yet here you are repeating the same lie again:
So you’re now a racist, a liar and an idiot. Gotcha.
We’ve been through this before, gaslighting troll. There is no context, as it was the only comment you made in the thread:
So you were making a point to two completely different people across several weeks that requires the first person or anyone reading your July 29th comment to follow your subsequent posting history, find the August 16th comment to a completely different person in order to finally piece said point together, rather than…
You stupid, stupid racist piece of shit. That’s from a completely different article and addressed to a completely different poster.
Translation: I, ellipticalsmith, am a fraud and a liar. I know my own words prove that I am a huge racist, but I tried to invent some bullshit argument absolving me of it. Yet because I don’t have two brain cells to rub together I didn’t realize someone else would demand proof from me. Whoops!
I did look for it, as you are well aware. It doesn’t exist, as you are also well aware.