
This has been brewing for a long time. Sarah has never quite figured out why ESPN hasn’t shown a Glen Rice highlight during the past decade.

It seems QB aging curves are getting extended in the 2000s. We’ve already seen Favre and Warner play well in their late-30’s. Manning, Brady and Brees are doing it currently, and Ben / Romo / Rivers / Manning are still playing well in their mid-30’s.

“Neither can I.”

  • NBA: 25 registered accounts

A frog and Scorpion Jose Mourinho were on the wrong bank of the Thames. Scorpion Mourinho asked the frog to take him across the river. The frog said no, saying that Scorpion Mourinho would sting him and kill him. No, I will not, said Scorpion Mourhino. I promise. The frog relented, and Scorpion Mourinho climbed on his

Great. More Gawker-related hobophobia.

Canadians are white, so Cowherd would never speak ill of them

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Wherever you go when you die, I want to think that Rowdy Roddy Piper walked in like this:

This understanding of advanced stats currently exceeds Joe Morgan.

I’m glad you went easy on the guy. I mean who are we to judge Joe Brown.

Why do the Cardinals need more charity than playing the Cubs 19 goddamn times a year?

Doing it the Write-off Way.

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Upon moving to Detroit, Daniel Norris will find he lives in what locals would refer to as “a mansion”.

1. The Mets were involved

These are all valid questions, none of which he raised in court. Instead he hid his money and bought his new girlfriend, the one without the inconvenient baggage, a new BMW.

Giving a church $20,000 while locking away cash to avoid making payments regarding a disabled child born out of marriage.

Some people are fans of the Tampa Bay Bucs. Many of them are strippers. The rest are very old.

“Um, we sent the Vikings to Mars forty years ago.”

The big question is how did an obnoxious, race-baiting blowhard take this long to end up on Fox?

Weird. Usually that one’s reserved for cops.