Kinja Knows All

Good to see that Soul Calibur writing and voice acting is still exactly the same.

Quote from a person:

Eeeeh.....but it has the possible effect of telling Capcom that it doesn’t really matter what they do—people will still buy the game.

Popular games of the moment are often being enjoyed by many Kotaku staff writers at once. Those writers will then generate articles and content related to the games they’re playing, as that is their job. When something is especially impressive or enjoyable about a game, including little technical or artistic details,

I love seeing tech like this improve in games. I’ve always been a bit obsessed with how water in video games has progressed over the years. This technically counts!

Yes. look to the Japanese scene where Daigo, Tokido, Bonchan and many others are very professional and friendly and never have acted this way.

Are there any video game “pros” who aren’t childish, racist, sexist, homophobic shitstains?

Well... yeah.

I guess thats it; no more Final Fantasy, just updates to XIV and XV, forever

Both of those letters suffer from a severe case of the

Look, there have been a ton of artistic variants on Cammy over the years.

Yup. This is why despite having spent half of my professional career in/around the video game industry, having built and run one of the first wave of video game journalism sites (, and having played video games nearly every day of my life since I was six years old, I refer to myself as a “video game fan”

I’ve become more and more sold on the belief that there are two types of people in this hobby: People Who Enjoy Games, and capital ‘G’ Gamers.

People who enjoy games love the hobby, love talking about it, and being social with eachother, but we can also disconnect from our hobby to enjoy other aspects of life and don’t

I’m pretty sure she knows that.

Man, brings me back to the days when my brother would accidentally steal a much-needed turkey powerup in Streets of Rage 2 and I called him every slur in the book before telling him he should’ve died in the womb.

That sound makes me... angry.

Sshhhh! He doesn’t have friends, don’t make him feel bad.

This guy looks like a pudgy, male Amy Schumer.

Eventually you play for hours on end as the comfort of the chair allows you to play for far longer than in a normal chair. You sink in its folds as it envelopes you. The neck brace is your neck. The backrest becomes a permanent vertebrae. You become an amorphous blob, effortlessly transitioning between chair and