Kinja Knows All

AtGames: also makers of the fantastic Legends Ultimate arcade and pinball machines.

Xbox Series X, on top of Xbox Series S, Xbox One X, and Xbox One S, is the only naming system already confusing enough to fit in the Japanese market.

I thought it was okay, mostly on par with the RPG Maker style work that Kemco puts out.

What I want to know is, and I hope you will ask in future interviews — will censorship be a policy going forward? Cyberpunk is on the horizon, and it seems to be full of mature content far worse than anything on display in DMCV. I will gladly jump ship to another platform if this is what we can expect from Sony from

Hey, SNK, c’mon, c’mon with those details! Get serious!

It’s that massive handle. I mean, just look at that thing. It’s ready to go.

They do but it’s hidden. You have to have the right party members at the right time. It’s a terrible mechanic that really hurts the narrative, but if you want to find out how to get the most out of the game, go to the GameFAQs forum and it’s stickied at the top.

This is about on the level of terrible decisions as Monster Hunter: World’s lack of pausing in single-player. I get no pausing for online play, and even no manual saves mid-mission, but for God’s sake I have a newborn on the way and I can’t even pause a video game if I need to check on them with what little time I’ll

They even remastered Mitsuda’s name.

SFIIV makes that case preeeetty hard.

Also, you don’t technically own it when you purchase it from Steam, whereas GoG gives you all the files without Valve’s DRM.

I have to thank Harmonix for getting me to play guitar seriously. Composing music was always a passion of mine but Guitar Hero and Rock Band pushed me to pick up a guitar and play. I imagine it did the same for many other people as well.

I don’t think it sold badly because it was PS4 and PC exclusive, but rather protest and lack of enthusiasm over MvC:I in general. It probably could’ve done better if it had released on Switch since there is such a limited library at the moment (imo the reason USFIIT sold well for such a lazy cash grab), but if the

Ah, sorry, my mistake then. I thought their inventory updated at 12:00 AM.

I was on Wal-Mart’s website at 12:05 AM, had one available, stupidly checked the preorder policy to make sure if my card would be charged then or when it comes out, then went back to the page and they were already sold out at 12:07 AM. They weren’t up for half an hour.

Black Flag is by far my favorite in the series so I’m a lot more interested now than I was before, knowing who is at the helm. I do hope they can pull off a story and characters on par with II, Brotherhood, or even III (I was one of the few who really enjoyed that game as a whole).

I’ve rarely seen a conference deflate as badly as this one. It may be the most powerful console, but when you show nothing but indies (of which many were only “launch” exclusive) it’s hard to get excited. I also think it’s hilarious that the biggest applause was given for classic XBox game support. I may still get the


Yes it’s possible. There’s a trophy for maxing all confidants in one playthrough as well. I don’t know if it’s possible your first time through though, but would definitely be on NG+ since you carry over your social stats.

You should really take a good look at the amount of anger you just put into this post.