Kinja Knows All

The Mario Odyssey bundle comes with the game as a download. :(

The screenshot you have there for KOTOR is actually KOTOR 2

“transgender people don’t do this. Like, they don’t have sex with people without telling them they’re transgender.”

Smart transgender people don’t do this, no. Not so smart transgender people.. I mean they usually don’t get to the actually having sex part, but definitely approaching people for sex without telling them

Saw the guy on the left of the header image and I have a question:

I think the concept of this game could work if you got rid of the perma-death part. Competing teams against a series of challenges with an audience that can manipulate the game sounds interesting. Being permanently banned from ever touching it again should you die in game immediately takes the fun out of it though. I

People keep bringing up this is a movie about failure to somehow shield it from criticism because it somehow is breaking new ground... but Empire was about failure. In fact I’d say Empire is even more about failure because they actually failed. Han captured, Luke defeated.. you know failure. People died in Last Jedi

And yet cheated on his wife.

Fuck you too.

Taking a break to focus on his own issues and his family is definitely the right thing to do. That said, I hate when people make mistakes and then say “it’s not who I am.” Dude, it may not be who you want to be, but it absolutely is who you are or you wouldn’t have done it. That said, he definitely seems genuinely

Congratulations Alabama!

I think it’s only a good choice if people are able to move beyond it when watching the film and appreciate it for the message it’s trying to send. If the audience can’t, then the filmmakers failed and it was ultimately a bad choice.

The manga anime eyes that we’ve seen since the 30s and Astro Boy has never been done photorealistically.

Sayori’s description of her mental state during that discussion is one of the most realistic views on depression I’ve seen. I could pretty much have said it all myself in truth to a friend.

There’s more to Doki Doki Literature Club than just this. That’s all I’ll say.

Controversial opinion here: Everything good in the world is actually terrible.
-You, basically.

Well, being on the Switch makes whichever version of SFII that was released for it seem even more overpriced.

“Does it bother you that I’m not completely human.”

WHY YES. YES IT DOES. You either need to be 20% less human or 20% more human.

what are you talking about? There were plenty of great gaming moments brought to by Uber®Eats­™ now partnered with McDonalds©. Now lets look at these exclusive eBay© deals.

Literally never played a Madden game in my life, but as a huge fan of John Madden’s life philosophy I’ll respect your opinion.

Some people are actually British, you know?