
They will ferociously hunt their prey... even if that means thair own demise.

Meanwhile, lurking in the background, a disgruntled driver who thought this was a Cars & Coffee, looks for a place to crash for the night.

Torchinsky as always with the bat-shit insane suggestion. God I love this website.

I have to admit, just reading the headline made me rub my temples as I was expecting a race argument in the comments to follow. To my surprise the comments were actually quite lighthearted, you were the only cunt to ruin it.

We need Abraham Lincoln back if we wanna do that... And I mean we need him back to help with GM “declaring war” on itself. Lmao

I happened upon a husky mix 5 years ago and after several weeks of searching for her home with no luck, decided to keep her. She is the sweetest dog but Jesus is she hard work. They’re escape artists and runners and will not stop. After an entire year of obedience school and a real-time GPS collar, we’re a lot

it’s $10 a month man jesus christ if you want all of the premiums you listed off buy the tickets like a normal person

Lol dude, any movie 10 bucks a month one movie a day...and you can’t slightly plan ahead?

Good question, uh, I’m not a space expert so feel free to give me an attitude if my answers are bad.

Hi, space noob here... I thought that once an object is put to speed in the vacuum of space, it keeps going at that speed. What is causing the CME to slow down?

But what do you do if some anarchist in the house next to you paints his porch the wrong shade of brown? This is the land of freedom, and that means I’m free from having to look at a dark cappuccino porch, when it should be golden harvest.

What I got from this is if you fell about 1000 feet it would take about 11 seconds before you hit the ground and died.

Please note: Australia does not have HOAs. In fact, most of the world does not have HOAs. We’re not that stupid.

Now I’m wondering what the OTHER vehicle is that’s covered up in their garage....

That’s IT!

Yeah, and Gendry specifically pointed out Jon’s sword, which could be a hint of things to come. I’d imagine he’ll be critical in outfitting the warriors with dragon glass weapons.

Triumph of the At-Will

I’ve decided that the writers have dubbed Davos and Bronn as the Chorus of GoT.

In the town where I was born,

I love my job. My only issues come from time crunches, really. There’s always a need for new articles to go up, and you want to do each one just right, so time’s an issue. But I really can’t complain! I’m sorry you’re hating your job— I hope that gets better.