
We wouldn’t need a Santa tax if there wasn’t a war on Christmas.


The first amendment allows people to express those ideas without fear of repercussion from the government. That’s not the same as being told “hey, shut the fuck up.” Or being denied a platform by your peers, through which you would spread those hateful views. Or being fired from your job for emailing your coworkers

You do understand that there is no First Amendment violation in a private employer firing someone?

Never good to ride across a rail at an angle like that, or a metal drain in the road. They could have done a bunny hop to clear the rail with the tires, or just get off the bike and walk it across.

Doubt it. When off screen I assume Jon just powers down into glum mode and just stares at shit for hours on end.

The polls that always leave me shaking my head are the ones that simultaneously demonstrate that, in the United States, hardly anyone would elect a Muslim president, but even fewer would consider an atheist.

the Iron Bank guy would not commit their support of Cersei’s war until their repayment made it to the Iron Bank, which as we know from the epic end scene, it did NOT.

I’m beginning to suspect that they’re setting things up for Jamie to switch sides. Danerys is badly in need of a good strategist, this episode reminded us of that; while last episode reminded us that Cersei doesn’t need one, because she has that base covered herself. It certainly fits the motif of Cersei pushing


From the same kind of death that offed Frederick Barbarossa.

Right? The guy who started out (off screen, off page) as hopeful wanna be true knight only to be hopelessly warped by the fucked reality of the situation. And then (on screen and on page) eeks back to some level of humanity and decency under some one who far better embodies the knightly ideal then he ever could.

I love that they had to have Davos lampshade their sexual attraction so the audience knows because Emilia Clarke sure as fuck isn’t capable of generating chemistry herself.

Someone needs to kill Dany to free us from her terrible acting.

Jon Snow totally drew those cave pictures himself.

No. They have a pretty temperate climate.

Just be happy they didnt make a video instead....

No kidding. If I were, say, someone who reviews TV and film, I might know who all these people look like. And, yes, we all have Google image search if we’re here at IO9. That being said, if you’re reporting casting news, do us all a favor and include a photo.

We are in 2017, we need pictures: