
Is that you HamNo? Using a burner account are we?

What you are saying is that bikes are not technically prohibited then?

It sure does work. It keeps those boys looking young well into their teens.

Omg, that’s hilarious. Next time I am sexing my GF, i am going to tell her, I ran out of dick. We like to laugh. 😛

How can you say that!? My dog has autism. He hasn’t spoken to me since I got him vaccinated.

I did a google search for images and it shows a bed extender as you describe except there is no cage on the end.

Follow up question. Why can’t they give him a day to thaw out, then ride with her on Drogon to Winterfell. Showing up on a dragon should help people come to their side when he says, “she saved my ass, bend the knee.”

African or European?

You have a point, but if the hole went all the way through the hollow Earth, then why didn’t Hitler riding a dinosaur pop out and eat the guy on the scooter?

Wait! What? Huh?

Are you saying Kin Jong Un is more of a stable, competent, reasonable, qualified president than Trump?

I was wondering the same thing.

You’ve got another 70yrs to wait, by this reckoning.

The Sherman’s Drive-way

They have sentience but the survival instincts of lemmings.

I agree entirely, but the $500 lock and steel door isn’t worth much when the walls are thin plastic and foam. Of course most locks are made just to keep honest people honest, so a showy, $500 lock may be of some use anf make you look like more of a pain to break into than your neighbor. Like an ADT sign in your yard.

Most modern housing development houses are built so cheaply, it is easier to go through the wall with a box cutter than kicking in a door. It is just made of siding, insulation and drywall.

Turnip is a big fan of the old Confederacy. Maybe his support of Nazis, the KKK and the Confederacy are just his attempts to improve our infrastructure by starting a Civil War par duex.

Actually there is a reason to start a war. How else are we going to find a trillion dollars in funding? Have the US declare war on itself. Just like GM suing itself. It is the perfect plan.