
Quick! Call Greenpeace, so they can shove him back in the water!

So a design did not account for every possibility and now a chunk of Japan is uninhabitable. Tell me more about how you want more of this. I get we learn from our errors, and make improvements. How many more disasters until we are 100%? Just one disaster is too many. Nothing is perfect. There will be another incident

The disaster in Japan is impossible? Then it must not have happened. It is a hoax like Sandy Hook and the metric system?

Fukushima is decades old? News to me. You must be from the future. We have data on the faliure mode of actual, built reactors. It was live on the news. You may remember it.

You can say all you want about advanced and what should/will be done, but we have two huge disasters that actually happened based on what actually is done. Nuclear power holds too great a risk of catastrophic damage even if the odds of a major disaster is small.

Except when a plane crashes, 300 people die. When a reactor melts down 1000's may die and whole swaths of the country side are uninhabitable for centuries. So pretty much, not the same at all.

Nuclear power is very safe, but the effects of the rare disaster are catastrophic. We have two very visible examples of what happens when things go wrong. Nuclear power sounds great on paper, but it is not idiot proof. We cannot afford to risk anymore disasters like the ones we have seen. Add in the greed over safety

The only person worse than Bay.

If the victims of police violence donated their monetary awards to a super PAC to influence legislation, it would rival the Koch brothers.


If black lives dont matter, and Bill Cosby is black, and Bill Cosby violates the bodily integrity of women and gets away with it, what is the value of women?

This is why the GOP hates education. It is bad for business.

I am the same. I couldnt finish the first episode. It was so much in the infomercial format, i expected them to roll out Ron Popeil.

Have you ever put anything you shouldn’t in a power socket? You know what happens? Not much. You get a little zap. Maybe ruin the outlet. The chance of a fire or serious injury is minimal. Now be a good ‘Merican, buy a gun and leave it loaded around your childeren because that is perfectly safe.

“It is remotely dangerous. PANIC!!!” ~nearly every American.

They had to take the beer out first.

Its because algorithims are muslim and hate freedom.

VW should get one of their old beetles out of storage and do this.

Hahaha, I laughed like an idiot at that. It is like the Arthur memes. Hahaha