
What he works for Penn (pedophile)State? It all makes sense now. Will he get a promotion?

They should really make a video of that. :)

1) they planned to air it after the Challenger exploded. How cynical is that? They blew it up for a commercial.

Agreed. For $10 or 20K mor he can completely pay for college at a state univeristy. Better if he invests it he can make more money than he would pay in interest and borrow the money for school and pay it off when he is done. Pissing it away on a car woulf be fun but stupid.

I hope it ends like the Game of Thrones fight between The Mountain and that dude from Dorne.

“I didn’t think he ment ALL the Jews”

Finish tricking it out and make a full on, battle car. :)

Shut up. I was told it is a good size. I hate it when you ask if I’m inside. :(

Greatest generation then?

They could have toxoplasmosis and have brain parasites that make them sexually attracted to tornados.

Wait. Hold on. You had a shoebox?

That is just another service I provide pro bono. I get paid to be boring. I don’t enjoy that as much.

Find something you are good at and make it a career.

You’re wasting moonshine. >:(

Its right there in the name. BATTLEship!

Before you do that, you better check what sort of environmental remidation will need to be done or if a remediation escrow fund would have to be set up. I see it was zoned as a scrap yard but still that could be a real liability.

If you have grizzlies and no guns dont your kids all get eaten at school?

I am a SJ halfling mage.

Looks like my Uncle. He was a boxer for 20 years. My cousins were real sons of bitches though.

Technology has made great strides in the last 10,000 years.