
That is proof you cant sell your soul to get a winning team.

Will there be cake? Ill go if there’s cake.

How else can they afford that house in San Fransico? This is the new American standard.

I see. That makes sense. I never got into him much. Great writer, just never grabbed me.

That was the premis of an Outer Limits or New Twilight Zone show, right?

Haha. I was TRYING to load the page and thoughr my phone was broken, until i saw all the ads.

“Also why are musical and comedy combined?”

I dont know why people would bother to delete these. I have a gmail account used exclusively for signing up for junk. Everything goes in there never to be seen again. I have another account for FWD: FWD: FWD: emails from my father.

Mexican Jesus is Bruce Springsteen?

I think maybe it isn’t necessary considering how fast the guys work. Also, maybe a hand tool provides better control?

When I see cars running and unattended, I always want to lock the doors, just to be a dick. I havent...yet

Or he could just observe it usually costs $20 to fill the tank..Does he not pay attention to anything at all? I wonder how long the oil light has been on.

Haha. I drove a forklift for 15 years and earned my pay with my back. This is the first airconditoned job I’ve had in decades.

It was an entirely desperate measure to save themselves, but they got there anyway.

FFS there are three stations around here that start playing the offal right after Halloween through new years.

I did manual labor for years. I miss it. My new retirement plans are, line up a few clients, work over the internet. Live somewhere the gringo dollar is worth something and live on beer and mangoes. :D

I was wondering how many hours that repair is and what the labor cost is.

“How the fuck does anybody let $1.5 Million disappear? Over 2 years? Holy crap.”

The most Australian thing ever would be if he immedately stabbed a tourist with the venomous talon on his back foot.

Do you tie a pastel sweater around your neck? You sound like you do.