
“why would you spend decades working on something if you don’t want to tell people about it?”

I read on the internet that Trump is a yuge supporter of NAMBLA.

Are you saying Ace is the small pox blanket of hardware stores?

Ive decided to boycott Ace Hardware AND Radio Shack, just as soon as I find either one. That’ll show em. Apparently the last Ace is in ND.

Quit being such a child. $19,000 does not seem to be basic maintence. That is the new Toyota I mentioned. He wasnt bitching about changing the oil and rotating the tires. Dumbass.

That is just a stupid and childish response. You dont know his life and weekly maintenance should not be required to keep a vehicle running normally unless it is particularly special for some reason. For as much as you spend on a BMW, it should be more reliable than a Toyota. Reliabilty should be a standard feature,

Dead students = bigger profits.

NRA - 7

Can we take videos now?!

Not if the NRA gets to you first.

His armor is badassery and competancy. lol.

In years to come this day will be known as Black Friday in Cuba, and for the same reasons as in the US.

THANK YOU! I cant stand this show because all of them except Darryl are stupid and I want them to die. Humans have driven tons of animals extinct without even trying. Europeans basically wiped out the Native Americans and they were intelligent and fought back. Outside of numbers, zomibies are no threat. 7 seasons and

“Bingo. Baby Judith should have magically turned in to a sassy 7 year old before the start of the new season, complete with a catchphrase.”

I’m from Ohio. I saw it happpen live on tv in school. I still Lol’d at the joke. Its been 30yrs dont blow an O-ring over it.

I must be too old too, my first thought was she has terrible posture. Stand up straight!

“Haven’t you been invited to the abortion parties where we plan these things out?”

Yes. i am pretty sure the Orthodox Jews can find a final solution to the whole Palestinian problem.

The little lady who wrote the article provided a whole list. You should read the article before commenting *pats you on the head*.