
Erm... i assume you are being silly, but for those who do not know...fruit do actually want you to eat them (if they could want anything). That is how they often spread their seeds. Their whole evolutionary strategy revolves around it.

I agree. When a person has his/her house blown up and their family literally spread over several blocks, do they prefer the bomb came from 30,000 feet in the name of freedom, or driven in on a truck in the name of Islam? Generally they are pretty bummed either way. The collateral damage isnt accidental, the war was

Lol. Homeland Security. If George Orwell were alive today he would be rolling in his grave. 1984 was not supposed to be a users manual.

A vegan would ask you if you ethically slaughter children too? Most beings do not like to be slaughtered and dismembered, even in that order.

You’re welcome. :D

Considering B-12 comes from microbes in the ground and meat is the only thing that is filthy enough to contain it still, most people lack B-12 and should take suplements. If you ate dirty carrot fresh from the ground you wouldnt need to buy B-12.

The difference is between deliberate and incidental damage. I am sure if they could live without causeing any harm they would. Sometimes you just have to do the best you can and do as little harm as possible.

I like smoothies, but FYI. It may help to drink your smoothies through a straw. Too many smoothies can ruin your teeth. Also, despite popular belief leafy greens like Kale can be over consumed and can lead to hypothyroidism. Dont be scared of these things but understand what you are doing.

Coca leaves are fine and are not equal to cocaine. They are loaded with calcium though and will energize you like caffiene. You shouldnt make a diet of them but they are realitvely harmless and a cultural touchstone for Andean people.

Thank you. I was trying to remember that name to use in my blood curses.

It is sexy on just sayin

Starring Johnny Depp

The "please sir, may I have some more" scene is going to be damn hot, I just know it.

Add a $0 to that and you will be closer. :)

or "so damn sexy" -Father O'Brien

Honestly. If these complaints are a legit representation of NASCAR fan complaints, there are more racist trolls per capita on any of the former Gawker comment pages than there are on NASCAR. NASCAR has millions (?) Of fans and maybe ten that racistly complain online. Any website would be proud of those numbers.

This should be a bigger headline news, not because NASCAR fans are sister-humping backwards rednecks like the article insists; but look at the actual number of complaints. Yes, there was a racist or small minded complaint here or there, literally in the ones or twos. Think how many complaints NASCAR must get. That is

The fire marshall was quoted stating they used standard procedure when dealing with a vehicle fire in Texas. After repeatedly shooting the fire it failed to be killed and inexplicably exploded.

Wouldnt this be more effective on
