Starring Johnny Depp
Starring Johnny Depp
The "please sir, may I have some more" scene is going to be damn hot, I just know it.
Add a $0 to that and you will be closer. :)
or "so damn sexy" -Father O'Brien
Honestly. If these complaints are a legit representation of NASCAR fan complaints, there are more racist trolls per capita on any of the former Gawker comment pages than there are on NASCAR. NASCAR has millions (?) Of fans and maybe ten that racistly complain online. Any website would be proud of those numbers.
This should be a bigger headline news, not because NASCAR fans are sister-humping backwards rednecks like the article insists; but look at the actual number of complaints. Yes, there was a racist or small minded complaint here or there, literally in the ones or twos. Think how many complaints NASCAR must get. That is…
The fire marshall was quoted stating they used standard procedure when dealing with a vehicle fire in Texas. After repeatedly shooting the fire it failed to be killed and inexplicably exploded.
Wouldnt this be more effective on
Didnt he get his powers after he was struck by lightning and bit by a cobra at the same time?
Ann's writer's rally
Raccoons and non-human animals are awesome. They would not have anything to do with Coulter. In fact there is no degenerate currently inhabinting the Earth that could Trump her.
They look thin and cheap. These are Walmart quality suits. I might be interested in something like thisif they werent made of un-recycled plastic bags.
Hope she becomes “Kenny” and they kill her every season, and still no one on the show cares.
Im with you. Imagine if the internet was around when Star Trek:TOS was on. How many red shirts would have to be brought back after they are doomed on an away mission?
Thats because breeders take the ones with the most desireable traits and breed them. Like if you and your sibling had really cool color eyes so, we bred you together. Then the offspring who didnt carry that trait were killed. Some may end up with breeding issues.
Haha. I saw the pic and my first thought was, wild animals arent pets, then i read your comment.
My mom says thats normal. :/
Algorithm. Arabic for the gorithm.