
Kind of enjoy the Burger King’s Kid’s Club scenes. I don’t know, something about kids in horror is oddly compelling when done well enough.

NOOOOOOOO! Wildfire! Oh god, not Wildfire! Take my ex-boss instead!

I can tell by the shape those were flash bangs. They only temporarily blind and deafen you. They won’t hurt you unless you’re, like, holding them in your hand.

Kind of a side tangent about something that’s bothering me: The Lighting. I’m not sure how to resolve this, but the dark scenes are surprisingly bright. Like for example the subway scenes from the last episodes. It should be pitch black with the only light coning from flashlights. I get that it’d be hard for viewers

The fact that the Reaper Maggie tussled with inside managed to crawl away leads me to assume we’ll be seeing a bad guy with a nasty gash on his face soon, since the broken bottle definitely left a mark.

Both of those are possibilities. Not sure how likely they are to actually happen.

I see what they were going for with the tip-toe through the tulips scene, but I don’t think it works they way it’s written. This group already knows one of the best ways to clear a building is to make a lot of noise and have all the zombies come out one door. They could’ve had the same scene under different

This doesn’t seem to be my cup of meat, so I’ll just ignore it.

Edit: Double post?

Man, I remember back to last year when Sonic was like the only movie to come out in 2020 and I was so excited to see it take every single award at the Oscars by default. It would have been so fucking funny. Too bad the Academy were a bunch of bitches though.

If you are served a salad and there’s a dick in it, it’s completely fine and in your right to say you don’t want a dick in your salad.

*Rant incoming*

I usually just pirated text books, or bought previous editions for way cheaper (only difference often was chapters were moved around), or even just went without a text book (many classes really didn’t NEED a text book). Cause fuck text book publishers.

Now playing

He just answered that in a video he made a just now actually:

They have pills for that.

A bit of jankiness is super common in animation. If you randomly pause anything animated you can end up seeing some really odd stuff, especially with proportions. Off the top of my head I know this one scene in Family Guy where Peter’s head just slowly shrinks in the middle of the scene. It’s not a gag or joke, it’s

Can I wear “Born to Kill” and a peace symbol on my uniform?

BULLY! Good to see that Teddy Roosevelt’s big dick can still bitch slap these robber barons.

I do believe there are some drastic miscalculations. These companies are all tiny in comparison to the true biggest company in history:

I’ve heard good things about that show. If I REALLY want to watch it I can pirate it. That’s the point we’re getting back to. Pirating went down when we only had a few streaming services. It was just easier to subscribe to 2-3 of them than pirate stuff. But now there’s so many more services that it’s gonna become