
For the love of God’s glorious anus hole DO NOT TAKE DOWN THE CHAN SITES!!! Let the weirdos stay in their corner and away from the rest of us. They are essentially self isolating and I don’t want to see them migrate to other sites.

I swear to god, if wolves go extinct I will fucking riot.

I was more talking about general bullshit corporations continue to get away with. Not open licenses specifically. Not sure you correctly understood what I was getting at.

I wish people were more united like this against video game companies. Well, ANY companies really. Boycotts do work if we actually get enough people to do them. I’m glad it worked this time (for now) but, god damn it people. We can do so much more. We can make things so much better if we would only work together

I think people are still allowed to have valid criticisms of it.

I’m foolish. He can put me in charge.

Well like we saw with the Bayonetta actor situation, I don’t think we can believe either side without an adequate amount of PROOF.

Carl is dead.


And why’s the train tooting its horn?

Before they start their escape, Hornsby says, “Wait. There’s just one thing I have to do first.” Pretty obvious that he crushed Sebastian’s head.

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Three, actually. Even so, I don’t think it’s a good way to manage a show.

Variant zombies is happening WAY too late. I’m not sure what they can do with the idea with so little time left and other story lines that are already going on.

Orcs cool. Elves kind of boring.

The first season as a whole was disappointing. Feels like a lot of time was wasted. Example: In episode 4 we see Numenor rallying for war by the end. And then in episode 5 we see Numenor... rallying for war by the end... again. WHY!??!? It felt so clunky. They could have combined things and cut down on this specific

Nah, fuck em.

I’m talking about the super cheap knock off brand of building bricks. I’m finding plenty of sets and the average prices seem to hover around $25 dollars per 1,000 bricks or about 2.5 cents per brick.

What’s with these prices? They seem excessively high. I wonder if I can buy generic bricks and download the build plans instead?

(Charlie Murphy)