
I don’t care about any of that. I just think it’s dumb for every company to be trying to make their own streaming service. Five to ten is a good number, but I think we’re past 20 by now. It just dilutes and devalues everything.

Looks interesting enough.

I’m bad at telling how old people are, so I’ll take your word for it. From that angle it starts to make more sense though. We just won’t know until the show comes out. Hopefully it’ll be a fun watch.

Is that Jinx? Did they make her boobs bigger?

Why the fuck did they wait till ONE DAY BEFORE then? This sounds like some extremely shady bullshit to me. They could have openly communicated all this way earlier but chose to wait till now. Why? Feels like they’re trying to ambush people or something.

What the diddley is this?

I think it’s been mentioned that this is will only be one season. Basically they’re just making an official ending to the whole series.

So that Transformers series is leading into Beast Wars? Aww, come on, dude. Can we please just get a full remaster of Beast Wars with modern animation already? Don’t have to change anything else, just update the visuals to modern quality and I’ll be happy. Do it!

Why not paint the rocks green?

I’m keeping my mask. I got one that looks cool.

I have irrefutable proof against that dumb ass. I work in a pharmacy. During a usual flu season we will sell about 20 prescriptions for Tamiflu per day. This past flu season we only sold about 5 or 10 total for the entire year.

So is this vineyard owned by Superman’s or Batman’s mom?

I got it about a month into the pandemic, don’t think this one is sold anymore. It was part of an Angry Joe promotion where if you buy one of these they also gave a mask to a hospital or something. It’s reversible, so you get both of these designs in one mask.

I kind of just like wearing my mask now. I got a cool looking one and people compliment me on it often. You know how rare it is for a guy to get ANY compliments? Feels good man. More importantly though, I literally had zero illnesses the past year. I usually will get a couple minor colds each year, but I got nothing

Hurray! Competition!

If women can join at zero cost, I assume their would be a lot more bots since they tend to target men mostly. I wonder if the app has any counter measure in place. Maybe they actually care about their reputation and remove bots that are reported, unlike apps like Tinder that seemed to do nothing about them. Haven’t

$37? That sounds excessively expensive. Do most dating sites have such high costs? I haven’t looked into any recently.

They could’ve just kept the old system of licensing out their content to a small number of streaming services. Everyone was making more than enough money and consumers were happy.

There’s pros and cons to which ever way you do it. It builds a different type of tension within the audience knowing he killed them. When will his family find out? How will they find out? What will they do? And they still deny you the most important piece of information. Why did he do it?

Her powers confused me. When we first see her it just looks like she has basic energy shield powers. But then in a later episode it’s explained that her real power is... what was the exact wording again? Like, basically she can just change anything. Makes doors appear or disappear. Can make plants grow or make it rain