
What? Gosh darnit, dangnabit!

Why are you grey? Who did this to my boy? *star* I got you homie.

I don’t care if it’s as big as my dick as long as it plays games.

Wow, looks really cool. I’m super interested in this.

Hulu’s pretty cheap anyway. $6 for the base membership or $12 to remove ads. I mean, shit, how much do you want them to cut the price by? What is this, like 2 to 6 percent of their content? You want them to drop the prices by 50 cents?

They kind of already get a slice of it in an indirect way. I mean, have you seen the fucking stupidly huge marketing budgets of some games and movies? It’s sometimes more than what it took to actually make the damn thing! Letting streamers market your product for free is way cheaper, money back in their pocket. Hell,

What other pieces of media are interactive? That’s really the main difference here. There are literally infinite number of ways people can play most games. Maybe a speedrunner blazes through one game in 30 minutes. Another streamer might die on the first level in that same amount of time. Same game, different content,

Unfortunately, 5, 6, and 7 are abysmal.

I fucking adore the first two Tremors movies. The people in those movies actually do smart things and handle the situations they find themselves in pretty well given their circumstances. There’s not many times someone dies doing something that is obviously stupid like in other horror films. And the ways they figure

Fools! Shoulda called it Legend of Helda. I mean, come on guys, this happens every time. “A wise man learns from other’s mistakes. A fool learns from his own.” Hire me to make your fan projects infringement free.

Gotta sue them all, gotta sue them all!

Porn parodies of famous brands have existed for a long time and are pretty much just accepted without much fighting about it. Large companies will sometimes still send C&D’s as scare tactics and those can be enough for an artist/creator/performer to stop. Just not worth wasting any time or money fighting it even if

I’m surprised she got away with it for as long as she did.

I have an aversion to seeing drug use, but I was able to get through Breaking Bad and enjoy that show. I would say at least watch the first two episodes, they give a fairly good representation of what kind of gore and how much the show has overall. It’s not like non-stop blood painting the walls every 5 minutes.

Not sure if you care about spoilers, but there are actually real WW2 era Nazis in the show. And it’s based on real history too. Look up Operation Paperclip if you’re interested in that.

In-world they specifically say that Kimiko and her brother made their own sign language. So in-world they are the only two that actually know it. It sounds like the show runners are borrowing most of it from real world sign language as a short cut instead of having to actually make up their own new one because that

Un-hack the planet!

I count about 6 or 7 great games. And that’s not just me talking out my ass, those games were very successful with high player counts that were satisfied with them. There’s also a fair number of average to good games. A few trash games that did bomb, and rightly so in most cases. That’s still over a dozen games that a

And that’s how it should have stayed. Disney didn’t have to sell an exclusive license to EA. This is terrible. Not this game, but like, the fact that only EA can make Star Wars games.

I very much prefer the Warhammer route of licensing where the owners license out the IP to pretty much absolutely anybody that wants to work on it. There are so, so many Warhammer and 40k games being released fairly regularly. Some of them are trash and bomb, but there’s so much variety and plenty of legitimately good