
That’s too early to drink and too early to yell, but I apologize in advance to my neighbors and my dog nevertheless.

I mean, it really is well earned hate. It kind of reminds me of Ripley in Aliens. “Why the fuck is there an android on board!?!?!?” Like, it makes perfect sense she’d be pissed off. Trust has to be re-earned and it can take some time.

what the fuck is the aerodynamic system?

What you’re describing isn’t “anti-competitive”

Amazon released a lengthy statement in which it argued that being a big company doesn’t necessarily make it an anticompetitive one,

“Yesterday’s enemy is today’s ally.”

Hope no heads explode.

It’s like raaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn on you wedding day!!!!!!

It depends on exact context and circumstances. Sometimes they aren’t really a factor.

That’s fair but I will push back just a little. I think any private entity can make up any rule they want (within the limits of the law of course) and people can call the rule dumb or whatever. Justice and fairness are irrelevant, it is simply something they have the right to do. And users, customers, etc. can

Seems reasonable. They’re a private entity and can make up any rules they want. Kind of like stores with signs No Shoes, No Shirt, No service.

That shouldn’t have anything to do with cops in this fantasy game unless there’s context within the game itself that should compel players to boo the game world’s police. It just seems weird and distracts from the rest of the article.

Kaeya, a sword-wielding cop (boo!)

I have, for quite some time now, had terrible trouble finding an earbud that truly fits my weirdly small ear canals.

Hate speech is an opinion. Why is anyone arguing this at all? It detracts from discussions of the actual issues. Stay focused on what’s actually important instead of this idiocy.

I don’t think any of that matters at all.

hate speech is not an opinion.

If you pay for something with Google’s billing system, Google takes 30%. If you had the option to pay for something with any other payment processor such as PayPal for example, that payment processor only takes 2% or 3%.

I gotta say I’m just not wowed. Even the announcer guy sounds bored.