
Huh... Neat.

It’s Kentucky blue grass, so blue obviously.

Did I stutter!?!?!?!

Oh actually here’s a fun fact that relates to your joke:

I will never spiritually recover from watching a Goomba get jerked off.

So does anyone know Ebay’s cancellation policy? I know on Amazon at least I can cancel an order at any time I wish, even if it’s already being sent out.

Is it possible to set up bots to click the “Buy It Now” option and cancel it over and over infinitely to keep it locked up?

Technically, yes, that will work. But it’s probably important to fix the actual problem if they ever want to use or sell this tech for any other applications. This specific situation is not a big deal, a minor annoyance at best. But what else might this tech be used for? And what about tech like it? Are those

Question: If I bid and won this item for $70k and claimed it never came in the mail, or it was damaged when it arrived or there was nothing in the box but a potato, what would happen?

Are you calling the PS5 fat? Rude.

“Oh my, Sony. You’re so big! Will it fit inside?”

How does he turn the wheels without shredding his hands? Wait, the wheels don’t even touch the ground. How does it move? What’s in the barrel on the back? What’s with the chains? Are they like duct tape slapped on to keep it together?

Oh my god... Anikan’s not on their birth certificates!

That’s also a good alternative.

The soldiers and other commanders call her General Organa when addressing her. That is the name she chose for herself.

In the sequel trilogy, everyone calls her General Organa. That’s the name that SHE uses for herself. If that’s what Leia wants to be called, I will respect her wishes.

Rey should have taken the last name of Organa instead of Skywalker because Leia is the parental figure she spends the most time with. Abrams only chose Skywalker to jerk off fans and win nostalgia points. But it’s not really his fault either because the management was incompetent.

“I created Dune as a warning against charismatic leaders.”

Current projections by actual, real scientists (not those fucktard politicians) predict it will become far worse as the cold months come. Deaths could double or triple depending on how well we actually follow proper safety procedures.

Why are you grey, homie? Who done my boy like this?