
I don’t really care what it looks like. It all depends on what it cooks like... wait... Damn musicals getting stuck in my head. I mean as long as it plays games I don’t really care how it looks. If it bothers you that much, pay someone to do a custom paint job or something. Or just keep it out of sight. This is a

I’m getting 2001: A Space Odyssey vibes from this. As for the price, I have zero thoughts until there is an official announcement.

Japan Olympics the T-shirt! Japan Olympics the coloring book! Japan Olympics the lunch box! Japan Olympics the breakfast cereal! Japan Olympics the flamethrower!

Well I hope the pandemic is under control by then. There’s a slight chance they can do it safely if there’s zero audience in the event and the absolute minimum of required staff. Like, if there’s any way someone’s job can be done remotely they should do that. I mean, shit, there’s a cafe in Japan that has robot

I think people should be entertained when they come to my church.

Edit: A double post? Damn you Cipher!!!!!!!!!!!

History has shown time and time again, these companies will fuck you as hard as you let them. I have become familiar with their tactics and see right through this bullshit. Metaphorically speaking, they will shove 20 dildos up your ass to start. Then you complain. Then they take one dildo out and customers are like,

They all have parachutes. They come standard. Those goon unions (goonions) fight hard for the best benefit packages of any industry.

Look at them in the snow without sleeves. Hey! Put on a sweater!

Now I’m kind of curious. How would it translate in different languages? Like, would one language change the meaning to something like, “Butthole that needs medical attention?”

These boots are made for walking.

Why do you know so much about the Spice Girls chicken?

And per USDA regulations, fake boneless wings aren’t allowed to be called “boneless wings.”

I’m just a guy who goes to restaurants, sits down, and gets offended by what I see.

What the hell is a Pub G? Is that like some sort of bar where gamers hang out?

Yes, but Epic’s CEO sided with Blitchung and supported a free Hong Kong during that controversy last year. If China (or a Chinese company) actually had any tangible influence over Epic they would have flipped their shit and did everything they could to destroy Epic. But none of that happened. It’s just the bog

I kind of wanna try playing like that. Reminds me of some mod from Fallout 4 I think that let you play as a baby. Wish modern games let us do such silly things like big head mode and the like that was in older games.

*does a comical double-take and puts on fake glasses* What the... what the fuck? Alright, sounds like this company needs a good, hard fist fucking. Yo! Karma! Smite these fools!

...I... That’s what I explained in the comment you responded to... Did you read all of it or just picked that one thing? Like, I literally elaborate the exact same point you just made. I’m not sure how I sure respond.
