
And you might end up with biases against perceived accents which isn’t great..

there are fewer minority actors and actresses relative to the number of regular ol’ white actors and actresses, available in the areas where VA work is most often conducted.

It’s very rare but does happen. Kratos from the God of War video games was voiced by two black actors (one replaced the other in the most recent game). It should be more common in my opinion. The voice is what should truly matter. But currently, as I said, about 99% of white characters are voiced by white actors.

The biggest issue is that there are so few roles for any minority actors that it’s just shitty to give what few minority roles do exist to white actors that have always had plenty of roles. As of right now the vast majority of characters in American animation are white characters and I’d guess about 99% of the time


will be handling the transition to the new voice in a novel way.

At least one positive on Adroid is that they allow you to directly download apps from somewhere other than just the Playstore alone.

Sometimes you have to break a rule to change it. We have seen this all throughout history. Everyone’s favorite rebels break rules to bring about positive change. Americans didn’t *have* to dump tea into Boston Harbor, but they *chose* to. This is identical to that and countless other examples in history.

Huh, neato. Thanks.

“Start Slideshow”

That’s actually a damn good question.

1) They would probably get way more adopters if they offered the device completely free and recouped that money from a small commission on ticket sales. This higher number of users will also increase the value of the service as a whole and attract more movie studios to try it.

I do that a lot when I’m typing fast.

You are literally describing mafia racket tactics... I don’t... Holy fucking shit man... I just seriously don’t know what to say to you. You don’t truly believe something like that is okay to do, right? I can’t believe you’re stooping this fucking low to cover for these companies. Like, buddy, my guy... sometimes a

Haven’t played that game, so I just have to take your word for it.

I think that’s different. With Portal you’re porting between to points in the same room/environment/level. In this new Ratchet game the mini ports seem to work identical to Portal. But the big teleports seem to genuinely be between separate worlds/levels which is way different and not something I can remember being

Could be part of the inspiration. Looks more like an armadillo with more fur to me. But there’s also antennae coming out of its... eyebrows.

I’m genuinely confused as to why this is so hard for some people to understand. It’s completely reasonable that if I buy something from somewhere that the store gets a cut of that initial purchase. Not a single person is arguing that and everyone that brings that up looks like a fool. The actual issue here is the

You’re thinking too small and not looking at everything and everyone involved. I’m not just talking about Roku. This also applies to Apple and Google and all companies that take cuts of recurring payments. There are small and indie devs that make games, apps, etc. for all these platforms and I actually acknowledge

Doesn’t matter at all if other companies do it. “Other people do it too” is not an argument I’ll engage with, it’s just dumb.