
Edit: Double post. Damn you kinja!!!!

Yeah, that’s fair. Maybe some details aren’t true. Not sure how likely it is that any of those soviet records will be declassified and available to the public.

I’m a little confused about what you mean. Do you think I’m mocking gay sex? I’m not sure I’m reading you right on that. I just thought the rooftop part was funny by itself.

How much does that actually cost them though? Roku won’t tell us of course. They don’t want us to know. They’ll just feed you shit about, “We absolutely have to charge this, there’s no other way.” Okay, then show us the numbers and prove it.

I can see maybe 2-3% as reasonable. Roku needs to stay in business and be profitable, I get that. But 20-30% is outrageous (I’m talking about Apple’s and Google’s charges for their stores too). I want as much of my money as possible to go to the entity that made the product I’m enjoying.

Let me go find it. I didn’t save it. *google* Found it:

It’s just ridiculous for any product/service/platform to demand any cut of recurrent payments. It would be identical to Microsoft demanding 20-30% of what Adobe charges its customers for their monthly payment option. Adobe is the one that makes Photoshop. I like that product and I want my money to go to the ones that

And now here’s a fun fact to bring some levity:

Your eyebrows are subpar. That’ll be $5.

Heyooooooooooooooooooooooooo *live studio audience applause*

I’m just not convinced by any of the arguments presented here. This product seems mostly neutral and the problems the article brings up are things each individual user is responsible for. Some people might misuse this and hurt themselves (or the app hurts them depending on your interpretation) but that’s the same for

That is a violation of Apple’s terms of service

Get your facts straight before trying to talk about something you know nothing about. Tencent owns Riot games. They do not own Epic. They own 40% of Epic’s shares, but this gives them no power whatsoever. And we know this because during the Blitchung incident, Epic’s boss flat out supported Blitzchung and advocated to

I dunno if League of Legends knocks off other characters, other characters have knocked off League, or both.

Honestly I’m just confused. Like, I just can’t imagine these characters as live-action. THEY HAVE NO FINGERS! And how will they incorporate the various villains and other characters? Are they just gonna ignore them completely? But then what’s even the point of using the Powerpuff IP for this show if you on;y use a

Thanks boo, love you.

So... how do you tell real doors from fake doors?

Maybe they hype it more in this one cause I noticed it way more and they just keep going with it. It’s like sprinkles on ice cream. The sprinkles ratio in this promo is way off balance.

I wish they’d just stick to showing off and talking about cool behind the scenes stuff. All the stuff about how this is the best thing they’ve worked on is vague and hollow. Just show me the shark man and I’ll be happy.

I liked what I saw, but the excessive hyperbole from the cast and crew started to annoy me. “It’s the biggest! It’s the Bestest! Literally nothing like it before!” *sigh* Okay, we get it. I’m already interested. You don’t have to over hype it.