
He’ll be like Kenny from South Park and die in every movie he’s in.

I think several companies toss around a hot potato of consumer disdain.

I’m all in support of Apple dictating set terms for access to its own app store

Oh Shit! Bitch kept the receipts!

Android also allows for sideloading and direct downloads to bypass their store. They also allow for other stores for that matter. Like, I can get apps from Amazon instead if I wanted, Android/Google allows for that.

The thing is, if enough apps leave Apple’s store the customers that want those apps will leave as well. It also brings the overall value of the platform down drastically. It’s not just a boycott from the consumer end. Just as an example, it’d be like all chicken farms hating the deal they get from Popeye’s and so

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Please won’t you be my stumble chum?

This happens on almost all games associated sites when big games release. It’s a completely natural cycle of news. Everyone should already be used to it by now.

Anyone up for the thesaurus game? I’ll start:

“All the murder hornets in Jurassic Park are female.”

Oh God! They need to rebrand before they get dick-slapped by copyright!

Nvidia’s streaming service lets you play games you already own. Why doesn’t Stadia do the exact same thing?

Why are my comments posting twice? Ignore this one.

Stadia’s whole model is shit and they should just burn it all down.

Stadia’s whole model is shit and they should just burn it all down.

Well ongoing research does suggest that fame, money, and power can affect the brain:

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *large inhale* oooooooooooooooooooooo

Carnivine seems to have plenty of points. I mean, look at all the pointy bits on its mouth.

I kind of want to get a few for my yard so they can get rid of bugs and rodents, but they’d probably eat small children as well and then their parents will get all mad. Not worth the hassle. Even worse, they might kill bees. We need bees more than we need children.

they can pick and choose which companies they want to give monetary advantages too.