
There’s more than one type of monopoly. For example: Many cable and ISP companies have regional monopolies. In many areas there’s only one or two companies you can choose from. And they often work together to overcharge their customers at the same rates as each other. This is NOT real competition.

That $200 coupon will probably entice a few people that might’ve bought the phone anyway. Clever gimmick. But for $70? I’m checking prices on similar inflatable chairs and they range from piece of shit $20 to actually kind of nice looking for $50.

I don’t care much for their reasons. A good deed done is still a good deed done. All these companies do evil things and I always call them out on it every time, but I can also acknowledge and genuinely appreciate when they actually do something right.

Sometimes you just gotta lick the cleaner of two assholes. Epic is in the right on this one. Their past shittery is irrelevant to me. This can benefit ALL developers and will benefit the smaller and indie devs the most. Huge companies will make shit tons of money either way. But for the small and indie devs that 30%

Here’s an idea: Why doesn’t Apple just make an iMessage app for other platforms? They absolutely can, I know they can because... *drumroll* ...Who the hell is banging on those drums? Stop it, I’m trying to talk. *drumroll stops* Thank you. Anyway, Microsoft made their office software available for Macs is the point I

What the bloody ‘ell? Is this on any streaming service?

The important thing to consider here is that Apple has a umm... “platform” monopoly I think? I don’t know the exact term. Basically, Apple owns the device, the store, and the payment method for that store. And they completely lock out all other competition. Epic was trying to give customers an alternative payment

Understandable. There’s a lot of companies to keep track of on top of megacorps that invest in or outright own these “smaller” companies. It’s a damn mess honestly.

Good god, whoever came up with that conspiracy should have their nipples tased every day for the rest of their lives.

Adapt or die. If you can’t make money while following the law, you don’t deserve to stay in business. Just cut your executives’ pay for their obvious incompetence for this year and actually put in some work and effort to come up with viable strategies that don’t violate the law or basic human rights.

Adapt or die. If you can’t make money while following the law, you don’t deserve to stay in business. Just cut your executives’ pay for their obvious incompetence for this year and actually put in some work and effort to come up with viable strategies that don’t violate the law or basic human rights.

The dance moves in question here were not long enough

As SQLGuru pointed out, 2 or 3% is more than fair. The transactions going through the App store are comparable to basic credit card transactions, and those credit card companies charge about 2 or 3% per transaction they process.

There are many examples of previous court cases where it was determined that rules or terms set by a company or entity were not enforceable and had to be changed. One recent example I remember is a game company put in their terms that no customer was allowed to refund the game, but that rule infringed upon basic

Epic still never paid no one to my knowledge.

Epic isn’t an arm of Tencent in the slightest. During the Blitzchung incident caused by Blizzard, Epic’s CEO actually defended Blitzchung. If Tencent actually had any real sway over Epic that would never happen.

Actually if Epic wins all developers big, small, and indie win as well. Imagine if you made a game that only made money from ethically monetized cosmetics. You are the one that put in the hard work to make the game. Why should Apple take 30% of all the money your customers want to pay to you? All they do is list it in

The thing about that is, Epic wouldn’t even think about bypassing Apple’s exorbabant rates if Apple didn’t set it so fucking high.

Fundamentally, if I’m paying for a product or service I want as much of my money to go to the entity that actually worked to make that product or service as possible. It’s ridiculous that any store try to dip into all revenue from a product or service only because they sell it on their platform. Like, if I buy a book

Idea: Call your old relatives and say, “Did you get the card I sent you in the mail?” They’ll say no, cause you didn’t actually send one. Then tell them, “Oh man, I guess since Trump defunded the post office I can’t send you those cards you like getting. Maybe you should, I don’t know, call your representatives and