
Is your screen name a combo of Judas Priest and Iron Maiden?

Ah, quite understandable. I used to buy cheaper androids but when I actually had enough money I got one that was actually a reputable brand and the quality was noticeably better. I also started to do some research into various models before buying any new ones. It takes a bit more effort to make an informed purchase

You did not like it in the past? You did not like it in the ass? You do not like green eggs and ham?

Not sure why that matters at all. People and companies are allowed to change their minds

So we talkin duck bills or platypus bills here?

I hope birds poop on your car every day from now on.

I saw the exact same thing done to Jesse Cox. Is this a common thing assholes do in this game?

I really wish they would make Star Wars shows and movies that aren’t so close to the original movies. There’s several thousand years of history to explore but we’re just stuck in this tiny window of like 70 to 90 years or so.

Do you believe in magic? In a young girl’s heart? How the music can free her whenever it starts?

Don’t give up. You’ve got the music in you.

They’re kind of like the Sunday Comics the site posts. “Here’s a compilation of cool stuff.” Oh, thanks, I’ll check it out. I don’t like the ambush tactics employed with autoplay videos though. Like, come on, don’t force things on me. I’ll watch it if I choose to.

I am fully aware. I still think chicken butt is funny and I genuinely enjoy the film Hook. I have terrible taste.

Those annoying autoplay videos? I installed a script to block those from ever showing up for me. If they didn’t autoplay I probably would have actually watched them.

I don’t know this... Person. HA!

Do you want Godzillas? Cause this is how you get Godzillas.

First Pic:

I sunk my battleship!

Holy shit, they did a lot more than I thought.

Yeah, with this case there’s enough evidence that it makes sense and doesn’t bother me. With Dumbledore, the only evidence we really got in the original text basically amounted to, “Well we never see him kiss a woman...”

From what little I’ve heard of the bureaucracy surrounding film credits specifically, the unions are super anal about exactly/precisely how everyone is credited. And for the most part it makes a lot of sense and does a lot to help the people with less power. Like one example is if a writer drafts a script but the