I’m a little confused about what you mean. Do you think I’m mocking gay sex? I’m not sure I’m reading you right on that. I just thought the rooftop part was funny by itself.
I’m a little confused about what you mean. Do you think I’m mocking gay sex? I’m not sure I’m reading you right on that. I just thought the rooftop part was funny by itself.
Let me go find it. I didn’t save it. *google* Found it:
And now here’s a fun fact to bring some levity:
I dunno if League of Legends knocks off other characters, other characters have knocked off League, or both.
Thanks boo, love you.
So... how do you tell real doors from fake doors?
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Please won’t you be my stumble chum?
This happens on almost all games associated sites when big games release. It’s a completely natural cycle of news. Everyone should already be used to it by now.
Anyone up for the thesaurus game? I’ll start:
Oh God! They need to rebrand before they get dick-slapped by copyright!
Carnivine seems to have plenty of points. I mean, look at all the pointy bits on its mouth.
I kind of want to get a few for my yard so they can get rid of bugs and rodents, but they’d probably eat small children as well and then their parents will get all mad. Not worth the hassle. Even worse, they might kill bees. We need bees more than we need children.
they can pick and choose which companies they want to give monetary advantages too.
There’s more than one type of monopoly. For example: Many cable and ISP companies have regional monopolies. In many areas there’s only one or two companies you can choose from. And they often work together to overcharge their customers at the same rates as each other. This is NOT real competition.
The important thing to consider here is that Apple has a umm... “platform” monopoly I think? I don’t know the exact term. Basically, Apple owns the device, the store, and the payment method for that store. And they completely lock out all other competition. Epic was trying to give customers an alternative payment…
Understandable. There’s a lot of companies to keep track of on top of megacorps that invest in or outright own these “smaller” companies. It’s a damn mess honestly.
The dance moves in question here were not long enough
There are many examples of previous court cases where it was determined that rules or terms set by a company or entity were not enforceable and had to be changed. One recent example I remember is a game company put in their terms that no customer was allowed to refund the game, but that rule infringed upon basic…
Epic still never paid no one to my knowledge.
Epic isn’t an arm of Tencent in the slightest. During the Blitzchung incident caused by Blizzard, Epic’s CEO actually defended Blitzchung. If Tencent actually had any real sway over Epic that would never happen.