
Ah, the old “Good prisoner, bad cop” routine. One of the classics.

I’ve had a few drinks, so forgive me.

Teachers Episode iv: A New Wage

Tiger: Your honor, I am not to blame here. The zookeeper told me to eat the pussy.

For some reason this made me think about how a lot of romantic comedies are secretly horror movies.

all Confederate statues will be replaced by Waffle Houses

basically, you just want to do whatever they tell you so you can try to be as good as they are.

No doubt about that.

“We got your ass covered.”

She licked his neck and the side of his face, slowly working her way up from his Adam’s apple, and groped him by grabbing at his crotch and buttocks.

How many pecker pics would a prick named Pecker present if a prick named pecker could present pecker pics?

Pfft. Obviously it’s a CGI baby. /sarcasm

I don’t think there should ever be a definitive answer to that; no hard number. Everyone will have their own opinion about it. And that opinion will likely change if they were ever in that situation.

It’s important to teach kids from an early age about internet safety.

Did you invite Woody Johnson to your meeting

I’ll give it a high school try. My college try is reserved for other activities.

From Roger to Bob? That’s like going from Richard to Dick. Who came up with this weird naming convention?

“Roger Pheuquewell.”

Goop is everywhere