
Kinja is a bitch.

Huh... I’d never considered that anyone might want a bandage that’s in their own skin color.

Ah, that makes sense. Apologies if I may come off as antagonistic. Too often I see people use anecdotes to try and deflect objective facts.

I was trying to point out that people have done dumb stuff even before they could potentially get wide recognition and monetary gains.


One must be careful when using personal anecdotes. Let’s varify some data:

It’s kind of like the shark attack paradox. Shark attacks are very rare, but when one does happen there’s a lot of coverage of it. So people think, “Wow, it must happen all the time.” In actuality, you’re more likely to get hit by lightning or win the lottery.

Too many like to make arguments for free speech without ever really knowing what it means. The government is not allowed to silence people or jail them for what they say. Private entities have a lot more leeway in how they censor and ban content. YouTube doesn’t allow porn and that’s totally fine. Their ban on porn

I think most fans don’t care either way if there are more movies or shows or whatever. Hollywood definitely wants more opportunities to make money though. They’re the real drivers here.

“I’ve seen things that will turn your ass white!”

“Bustin makes me feel good”


Someone told me like a year ago and I completely forgot.

Also Scheanna looks like an anime doll and it seriously bothers me

“One more outburst like that and I’ll hold you in contempt.”

Neither of these guys desire to sleep with Scheana

You should call the TLC network so they can give you a show. They have mediums and psychics. Totally legit stuff.

He did win, but unfortunately he also sustained concussions and he started assaulting his wife.

Dreams are weird and random most of the time. I once had a dream about a chicken playing football.