
There are rare occasions where it is only appropriate to break ones foot off in a narrow ass and this is one of those rare occasions. The only question remaining is which foot to use.

There’s a pretty major difference between JROTC and ROTC. We had several disabled kids in the JROTC class in the 4 years I spent in it during high school. They absolutely were not in the class to prepare them for military service. At least in my class, we didn’t actually deal with military specific topics very often

A lot of what you said sounds backwards to me. It also seems like your trying to make a new conspiracy theory. “The REAL reason Americans are getting heavier is because we’re all actually buff muscle gods and godesses. The government is lying to you, there is no weight epidemic.”

I’m still surprised Cruz was a part of the JROTC. Given his emotional and learning disabilities he was never going to be allowed into any branch of the Armed Forces,

Okay Google, how much is otter semen worth?

Let’s all rub one out—or pour one out, whatever—for Eddie.

Well if I were writing the character to have a preference for white guys I’d have her end up with a guy that’s another race. If she had a preference for tall guys, she gets with a short guy. If she prefers brown hair, she can date a guy with red hair.

That’s an interesting point. (I haven’t watched it just yet, I gotta get on that) If I were gonna run with that scenario, I’d let the character have that preference but then she ends up with some other guy entirely who doesn’t tick all her preference check boxes.

Ah, typing too fast.


I would expect this in Texas

To those who feel judgey about vaping, I must say: Would you rather I smoke?

All trees become real if you wish upon a star.

It might help just to talk about it. A few of my own story ideas are nothing more than the opening lines such as:

It gets cold sporadically. Last week we had one cold day and three hot days. The weather can literally change day to day or even hour to hour in some cases.

This almost happened to me once, back when I worked at Fed Ex loading boxes into the trucks.

You shouldn’t have to apologize. If someone is exposing you to harmful, or even just annoying, substances without your consent they are with no doubt in my mind a selfish asshole. They should stop doing it near other people. And if anyone does this to you they should apologize to you.

It’s like raaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaiinnnnn on your wedding day

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