
I think many will dis on fast food and various types of snacks, sweets and anything unhealthy to eat much more harshly than is appropriate. It’s good to be weary of such items and take a moment to think about it before eating it. But assuming eating just a little of it will ruin you is going a bit too far.

In my observations, it seems everyone has a health that is specific to them. Some people can smoke cigs and live past 100 years old. Others might die from just a couple years of smoking. One guy that lived past 100 had a diet that consisted of bread dipped in bacon grease ONLY. Didn’t eat anything else, just bacon

Just make up the craziest activities you can think of.

I’m also atheist, but I actually love Christmas. I’ve kind of just completely separated the holiday season from any of the religious connotations and themes. I sing songs, decorate with pretty lights, get gifts for people I like, and the list goes on. For me, it’s a time to open one’s heart and take the tiniest little

I have a test for you:

the president was insistent that they had to be used on turkeys.

“Uh, guys.....maybe we have a problem here....”

Tiny holiday party at work. We did secret Santa with a $20 spending limit. We list 3 items we want, throw it in a hat and draw names at random. I got a gift card. It was for more than the $20 we agreed on, but even so I was disappointed.

Oh, I actually saw that one. So that’s where she’s from.

No idea who these people are. But anyway, it’s cool that some celebrities are actually able to have some privacy. I imagine it sucks when you break up with someone and a million people then gossip about it.

That’s a good guess. And if there’s just one dead parent, it will most likely be the mother that gets the axe. Just off the top of my head there’s Aladdin, Little Mermaid, Pocahontas, Bambi, Finding Nemo, Beauty and the Beast, and Atlantis. All have dead moms and living dads.

Just for fun, what Disney tropes do you think will be in this movie?

Strangle the Smurf.

wrangling the animals

Maybe she wanted to get a paternity test to find out which guy was the father, and then they discover it’s actually both of them! So now the question is how soon can you actually get a paternity test..... lets find out:

Superfecundation is the fertilization of two or more ova from the same cycle by sperm from separate acts of sexual intercourse, which can lead to twin babies from two separate biological fathers. The term superfecundation is derived from fecund, meaning the ability to produce offspring.

I enjoy the little details. Makes things more believable. I also keep in mind the phrase, “Making the fantastical mundane.” So the readers hear about this fantastic thing but for the characters it’s about as mundane and boring as boiling an egg.

The scene involves a thin dude(Rico), a muscular wolf woman(Himiko) and a talking sword(Kawakato). I’ve got the setup and choreography down, now I just need to write the first draft.

I had a coupon for 15% off anything, so I got a remote control car for my nephew. I also had an employee discount. But funny thing..... Somehow the total went down to 66 cents. I’m pretty damn sure that was some weird error, but I ain’t complaining about it.

Now playing

In my opinion, such feelings are completely fine. As long as it stays a fantasy and is never acted upon, no harm can be done. In that way, it’s kind of like wanting to kill a co-worker. That’s totally normal and very common. As long as you don’t actually murder them.