
Yo, what up.

Damn.... I mean... just... damn.

I bet he also starts all his stories with the line, “It was a dark and dreary night.”

stopped on the way to tell his parents on him.

My first ever date was a movie date. I never ever want to see a movie as a first date ever again. It really is just a bad idea.

You sound fun, I like you.

This made a question pop into my mind: If you never noticed he was dumb until he tried to write, how dumb was he actually? Like, was he competently articulate in his speech?

Reminds me of a gym teacher I once had. “Yeah, I’m pudgy. But underneath here *pokes himself in the belly* is rock solid abs.”

At first I thought you meant he wanted to wax himself. Ha!

I think most situations are like that. A cooking class, trail hike, bike ride, arguing about pineapple pizza, being chased by a serial killer. It all becomes romantic when you’re with someone you’re into.

1st letter: Some people just are not sexually compatible for any number of reasons. Differing sex drives, monogamous or non-monogamous, opinions on pineapple pizza, etc. Some people can make it work, but it’s usually best to find someone else that’s more compatible.

What do the locals think of it?

Hi, Mike Tyson.

That reminded me of something dumb that happened at work.

Some instructions would be appreciated.

“Jezabel staff members, ungrey these commenters!”

Only a staff member can permanently ungrey people now I think. If I remember correctly, the greys came about after a few asshole trolls started spamming some horrifically grotesque images like slaughtered animals, hardcore porn and even human murder scenes.

Oh yeah, I got ungreyed on my very first comment over on The Takeout. And the comment was actually slightly jabbing at the writer too. So, like, damn. The staff over there really is just much more fair about it.

All these sites ignore the greys. It’s very rare for any staff to actually engage with the readers. Getting ungreyd is impossible nowadays. Sorry.

What the hell is up with that face?!?!?! It looks like he’s pooping out a pine-cone.