
Oh wow, how pretty. *clears throat* Sorry, I reverted to a 5 year old for a second there.

I have never in my life used Pythagorean Theorem outside of school. I use knives almost everyday. I’d rather math classes focus on everyday applicable math like making budgets, doing taxes and how to divide pizza among several people.

Now playing

I actually watched a video of a somewhat similar thing last night:

He’s either got a cloning machine or a bunch of imaginary friends.

I wouldn’t mind seeing a test scene at the very least. Although that alone will cost a shit ton of money, so it’s unlikely to get a budget big enough to actually look decent. I just want to see what it would look like.

This is amazing.

I am not Christian. I can still enjoy Christmas.

Most of the time, the developers who actually do the work to make games only get a salary. Profits from sales goes to the company and the guys at the top get big bonuses. And if they feel generous they ‘might’ give some bonuses to those lower level workers.

This new game sounds cool and I’ve heard good things about the others. I’ll have to get around to playing them eventually. One day.... *sad music begins to play* One day...

Yes, more gays in movies!

I think we all wish for the quick and easy fix to problems. Yes, one can dream. The problem is of course bigger and more complex than what I condensed it down too. But I’m lazy and didn’t want to type multiple paragraphs for a list item.

Perhaps one day you will be able to buy some real electric sex pants.

That’s a good point. I’ll have to see if I can find some stats on that later.

Who is going to clean up these silicon dolls?

‘Fucking Karaoke’

1. Let people masturbate without judgement or shame.

Oh my god, I figured it out! She was checking for cavities! She was their doggy dentist!

That sounds like tax fraud or something. I think I hate all servers now... huh...

My ex-girlfriend also asked me to bite her. Perhaps many of us want to explore our more primal and animalistic urges...

I mostly agree. I just think in many instances of casual conversation it’s fine as shorthand for the whole region.