
All of them lived into adulthood except for two, a set of twins.

I’m walking on sunshine, WOAH OH OH!

She just found it fascinating. I made sure to clarify that, asking if she wanted to do that stuff to me. She said, “Oh hell no, I love your dick the way it is. I just thinks this stuff is interesting.”

Hats that can’t go on your head. Watches that don’t tell time. Edible underwear made from inedible materials. Shit is crazy.

a $376 swimsuit-inspired swimsuit in which you may not swim.

Lots and lots of communication is essential. Talk to your spouse, to friends, family, counseling. Be open and be honest. Listen to and try to understand your partner and make damn sure they do the same for you when you list your own grievances and needs.

I advocate inclisivism over exclusivism at all times. Music and works of fiction are to be enjoyed by all the world.

Be open-minded, but also be cautious and don’t take shit from nobody. My ex-girlfriend for example, she was into penis mutilation. That didn’t bother me at all. I was willing to look past a weird quirk and we had a wonderful relationship together for about 6 months.

I got the information from my psychology professor during a discussion of evolutionary psychology. Also learned the world record for most children born to a single man is 888, Genghis Khan. Here’s some more info on the woman though:

This has reminded me that I’m sad and lonely. Makes me want to punch stuff. So I’m gonna figuratively punch this carton of chocolate ice cream.

I learned something interesting a while back. Most people actually won’t notice a slight mess unless you point it out to them. Saying something like “don’t mind the mess” or anything of the like makes people look harder and notice things they otherwise wouldn’t have.

Only two died in childhood. A set of twins.

5 year old me: You should take some of them back, did you keep the receipts?

six of his nine siblings

My strategy is the inverse of that. I eat 4 times a day for a total of about 3,000 calories. I don’t have a diet of any kind, I just eat what makes me happy and exercise 7 minutes a day.

That’s what I said!

But they’re not anywhere near their fannies. They’re more like boobie packs.

I’ll take a wild guess and assume the foxes have much better developed fighting skills since they apply them daily in the wild. It’s like a German Shepherd vs. a Wolf. The wild animal has far more practice and so has higher baseline skills.

Many of the cat parts were left on their owner’s doorsteps.