Same. This is some bullshit. Let me help you pay this bullshit fine for really trying to protect children from these god damn fascist theocracies.
Same. This is some bullshit. Let me help you pay this bullshit fine for really trying to protect children from these god damn fascist theocracies.
Look, Albrecht and Noah, when you squeeze a prize-winning pumpkin out of your butthole and survive that experience, then maybe let’s talk. Until then, fuck off to your butter churning.
as if only republicans live in red states, wtf
Marion County got de-gerrymandered after Christina Hale almost beat Victoria Spartz in 2020. The state GOP saw the writing on the wall, they gave the north side of Indpls back to the 7th District, so Carson is our Congressman again.
I live in rural Indiana and also hate Rokita. Is not just an Indianapolis thing. I was ecstatic when he stopped being my ccongressman!
This is ultimately leading up to another right wing self own. When medical professionals are few and far between in these red states, the death rate will ramp up fairly quickly. What Covid didn’t finish off, the right wing’s rabid stupidity will.
The brain drain is already happening.
The medical licensing board is ironically contradicting the Hippocratic oath of ‘do no harm.’
She didn’t reveal the girl’s identity and literally did nothing wrong. This was right in the middle of the IN legislature enacting the abortion ban and Rokita wanted to get his time in the limelight to up his cred with the religious nuts. They brought Amish teenage boys to testify about women’s reproductive rights…
This American Life did an episode about just this thing - though the ep focused on an Ob-Gyn in Idhao. An interesting listen.
Waiting for all those people screaming about the criminalization of free speech to come to this womans defense for being punished for doing something she is legally allowed to do.
These states need to be really freaking careful about this shit. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that physicians simply leave Red states where providing life saving care become punishable by prison, fines, etc. It’s already happening in Idaho. Sure, there’s plenty of physicians that hold the same beliefs…
She’s a hero
Is there a gofundme for this doctor's legal fees? The woman is doing the lord's work.
Indpls here. Todd Rokita is a piece of shit, and almost as hated here as Pence was. This was nothing but politics and Rokita’s attempt to win favor with the the ultra right wing base as he plans to run for Governor.
Five decades of conservatives determined to put us all back in the kitchen, bedroom and local whorehouse.
I had a late term abortion in the 80s in WA state when I was in my early 20s and I was in the hospital over night and it was covered by my health insurance. What the hell happened?
Or, and this is just a thought, the state could check in on her, make sure she’s ok, offer her some therapy for what must have been a traumatic experience...