
My (abusive) ex boyfriend was OBSESSED with this guy - should have been a red flag immediately - however he told me that one of the reasons Manson does his makeup that way and wears a lot of black turtlenecks (and paints his neck and chest black often) is because he has very noticeable double chin and is very very

The implication was Smithline settled secretly, and therefore the 180 degree about face in public.

Please realize that for most doctors, ACP stands for American College of PHYSICIANS, a legitimate and the traditional (or “real”) organization for Internal Medicine doctors in the United States that has generally avoided partisan actions and endorsements. Very different organization than the American College of

It average age is over 50 and its members are mostly male, according to the records.

I was particularly disgusted by the scripts for brainwashing kids to be good little hetero married drones, and to make sure that underage pregnant girls didn’t even think about terminating their pregnancies. This is the kind of thing these “parent’s rights” groups are trying to do - make their kids ignorant of

Don’t feed the trolls.

Why are you like this?

Anonymous and other hackers:

This isn’t just a swing and a miss. It’s swinging so hard and missing that you do a 360 and somehow hit yourself in the balls with the bat. All while striking out.

Not what we meant by “fuck these guys.”

Crumbs of Pussy. Band name. Called it

How much credibility can the movement have if it can be swayed by money.

I must have missed the Believe All Women Who Keep Changing Their Story movement.

But after seeing what happened to Amber Heard, how can anyone believe that those who recant are simply after a “payday”? It wouldn’t surprise me if these women were threatened, implicitly or explicitly, with nonstop harassment and public humiliation if they pressed forward. If you aren’t wealthy enough to afford

The number of women who were taking up for him and trash talking Amber was unbelievable to me.

The amount of creeps taking up for Johnny Depp was something else. And yes they will also use this as an “example” so they can say “SEE SEE WOMEN LIE”. I swear so many of those men have never talked to a women for more than 2 minutes, they prefer to talk at women. Creeps. 

I made a minor comment on an IG feed about Depp’s “wife beater” court ruling in the UK and was absolutely bombarded with everything from “and the American case undid that!” (no that’s not how courts work) to “you don’t like facts!” (It was a fact, I was not making a judgement myself).

My thoughts exactly. The payment didn’t simply require her to retract her rape accusations. But she also had to undermine Wood’s legitimacy.

it’s far more likely the opposite is true. that she was pressured into rescinding. probably for a big payday or due to a threat. just like the minor who rescinded her allegations against trump right before he got elected

Wonder how much she got paid to change her story and go after Evan Rachel Wood.