
I’m right there with you. “Our Bodies, Ourselves” was a seminal book for me. I read and re-read that book in large part because female voices were absent in my youth and I yearned to know what lay beyond the borders of “my world.”

Yeah but if you read “Loose Change” and other women’s stories of the 60's, the guys pretty much expected the women to do the cooking etc there too

or as I told a Fundie relative “God does not have a dick”

Shit, reread that and I mean to say “I’m probably NOT as understanding as I come off.” That looks smug.

I’m truly sorry you are going through that.

Wow. That's not true. In Islam, rapists are killed, just like in the Bible. However, bc of misogyny and ignorance and fear, blaming rape victims became the norm worldwide

I hope you really are as understanding with her as you sound - I say that because my husband & I are discussing divorce and one of his primary reasons is because we haven’t had sex in 2 years. He’s been toxic, stonewalling & contemptuous throughout that time (and had difficulties “performing” in the years leading up

The more people write and talk about this, the more hope I have. Linda Kay Klein’s book was the first thing I read that made me think, “I’m not alone.” Everything in this article and story: yes, yes, yes. I lived it. It’s so hard to explain to people how you can be in this situation. It sounds so crazy and obviously

In the Bible belt Canadian city I lived in for a few years, one “player” co-worker loved dating Christian girls. He wasn’t even trying to be gross, he just told me as fact: “they all give blowjobs.”

“Christy followed the rules at camp and stuck to a one-piece swimsuit, sometimes with a T-shirt coverup to protect the boys from temptation. Her North American Baptist church wasn’t extreme “

look at these descriptions of marriage, and I’m just dumbfounded.

Yeah, I’m still wondering where the stone is, on which is written “You Must Have Sex!”

So much of this “sex on demand” is wrapped up in the idea that the husband represents a proxy for Jesus/God in the relationship.

Set aside, for a moment, most non-Christian and many Christians’, visceral reaction to that read.

Many evangelical men lean their identity into that. But only in the most dark and twisted way.


Gah did anyone else mired in this have the friends that stuck to anal to preserve their “purity?” Not to pass too much negative judgement on anal, but when 15 year olds are rationozing sex acts that way you have to think something is awry with the system and potential end results. I always wonder how those kids fared

Stories like this, and crap like the poison spewed online by groups like "Joyful Patriarchy Wife" make me so damn glad I dumped evangelicalism as a teenager, and never looked back.

I was kicked out of the Christian school I attended and was lectured by my pastor after being raped at 15. My rapist went to the same school and they allowed him to finish his senior year via correspondence classes so he could graduate with his class through the school. I wasn’t offered any such opportunity. The

While my parents certainly had their share of challenges in their relationship before and after I came along, I’ve always been deeply grateful that they weren’t deeply religious or even very spiritual or whatever you want to call it. They were original hippies and I’m SO thankful that I was not indoctrinated with any

My wife and I haven’t had sex in several years. She doesn’t want to. We went through therapy, nothing’s worked. So you know what? WE DON’T HAVE SEX! I love her, she’s my best friend and there’s no body else I’d rather be with. We still try to solve whatever’s going on, but not everything in the world can be solved. Mak

Every once in a while, I forget exactly how fucking awful purity culture is. I cannot imagine forcing, coercing, or begging my wife for sex, and the idea that she would feel obligated to lay down and take it is absolutely horrifying.

She was miserable and wanted to make sure their marriage couldn’t be saved