
I know everyone hates the whoever sponsors it color uniforms, but I kind of dug it tonight, yeah.

Yeah, I was about 20 yards from Doug when he caught it. It was even more incredible in real life.

Saw it live. I thought he was throwing it out of bounds and somehow Baldwin went up and got it. Unbelievable.

I have ambivalent feelings about the Seahawks, but I love those bright uniforms. That should be the light color option uni for regular games (e.g. not TNF)

I’m a little salty they didn’t use a cover photo of him in a Jays uni

I’m 6'3 and my smaller half is 5' flat (so she claims. She’s 4'11. Don’t be confused by her lies!). She’s afraid of tall people.

What the hell was Winston doing? Lattimore was clearly walking away from the sideline. Winston’s acting like a douche while getting his ass kicked. He deserved to get shoved harder. Evans flies in with a far cheaper shot. What a punk team.

this feels forced

Serious answer: That’s where the ball is spotted for a penalty kick.

What exactly is that white spot on the field that maybe helped fake him out?

I did send a SASE!

Because he is a God damn elite athlete, and frankly they are borderline a different species of human than you. His brain can process information faster, his reflexes are faster, he is stronger and faster than all these people going after him. He is simply put, physically better. I am not a world beater of a fighter

The fact that showing affection and love is seen as corny or weak in our culture speaks to a larger problem I think of the fact that we as Black men cant show weakness or affection. There’s this unspoken standard that we Black men seem to have to adhere to with some people and its annoying. You cant show your girl

Cool. Challenge him. Or a person of similar physique. Do please report back!

We have the option of:

Since when did being a twiggy-ass rapper mean you can fight?

Okay Future.

just a simple man eatin’ stuffed crust and thinkin’ ‘bout his daughter’s tatas

Sales for Papa John’s were down pre kneeling, so this might be a desperate attempt to ignite sales by pandering to Trump supporters/racists.