
Counterpoint, this was an incredible fucking episode and you are wrong.

She must have been amazing on Game of Thrones because I’ve been thoroughly unimpressed with everything else she’s done that I’ve seen. 

Yeah everyone is gonna fight you for posting 1994's most obvious "hot take". 

there was nothing in the show that implied Falcon and Winter Soldier were anything more than friends.

I’ve had my adult friends telling me for years to watch the Clone Wars but is it like that? With kids constantly accidentally winning the day? And the Separatist droids, I have never been so glad to have them leave.

I can see some hint of things I would enjoy, but the clone kid was so grating. It feels like I’d have to


We’re doing 10-year show retrospectives and GRRM has yet to publish the next book, so ...

Anyone else not really give a shit about GoT anymore?

I’m getting tired of people complaining about the episode of the week stuff.

Wow, apparently that cat is going so fast the radar gun can’t even register it.

Quibi will go away on its own by the end of the summer. It will just disappear. No need to worry. 

Thanks, the approval of internet poster Riot Croissant is what I was shooting for!

Being the best in the sequel trilogy doesn’t make it a good movie.

Honestly? It should’ve been two movies with a split at the ‘cliffhanger’ on the desert planet.


If you’re seeing ads for N95 masks it’s because you searched for them recently and don’t have your tracking properly controlled. All I see are ads for cars and wine. It does annoy me that they don’t have better control over their ad service, but at least I’ve never seen an ad for totally false information like on some

“95% of the country didn’t like her, they must all be fucking sexist!” is a pretty shaky argument, tough guy.

“That said, if The Walking Dead has taught us anything, it’s that humans facing an undead apocalypse can be even more dangerous than zombies.”

Walmart is still fully evil, despite what the above advertorial suggests.