
There was a time when this network of sites would have been ALL ABOUT exposing the fraud and predatory actions of hedgefunds and market regulators who exploit loopholes within our economic system at the expense of the middle and lower classes.

This is no longer that time.

The death of Splinter and Deadspin have really f’d me up; I still come here a few times a day, hoping one of the remaining sites will emerge with an interesting political voice. It’s becoming clear that that’s not going to happen. Aside from io9, I’m having a hard time finding much value on the network to speak of.

I miss them both terribly.

I just learned via social media that most of our beloved Deadspin writers have quit and that this network of sites is effectively dead.

- What the Deadspin writers did yesterday is LEGENDARY. It will - quite seriously - be long-remembered in the oral history of the internet. They successfully exposed Jim Spanfeller et al as douchebags across mediums ranging from small podcasts to the CNN homepage. Just unbelievable.

And I’m STILL fucking Grey.

This morning, all of this became very real to me.

I, for one, am not terrified by the prospect of Trump supporters starting a new Civil War. The majority are old; most are woefully uneducated. Both are demographics that are traditionally easy to fool, and with the right bait they will be easily trapped and caged.


As Republicans line up to defend the actions depicted in this report, be sure to remember its details the next time they expose upon their undying commitment to the “rule of law.”

At 38, you’re just a few short years away from not giving a flying fuck what people think of what you drink.

Really? It seems pretty on-brand for him. Right down to the tiny dick insinuation.

Although it reached decent conclusions for all of the main characters, the finale epitomized the pacing issues that have plagued these final two seasons: There were four HUGE events crammed into this final entry that would’ve warranted a half-season arc in its prime.

The fact that party senators are expected to hold loyalty “to the president’s family” illustrates EXACTLY where our real problem lies.

The guy works in a highly-speculative and always shifting business - it’s gonna happen.

It was also fun to read article after article on this site about how the owners were colluding to criminally short-change the contracts of the players, only to see signings for $260 million, $300 million, and $330 million announced just days apart from each other.

He needs it to work on his backswing - he’s always Russian it.

After writing this trash article, Paul should be banished to the Greys.

Ah, was a simpler time.

It’s almost as if the government is attempting to mislead the American people.