Kingsley Baconhausen

When are they just gonna give in and start calling the show Batman?

You obviously don't get high enough.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who almost wet his pants laughing when Neeson did his Good Cop voice in The Lego Movie. That poor movie is just destined to be snubbed.

If you're in Portland, the tattooed guy IS the pastry chef.

Heres the thing with The Americans (and pretty much any show that this site promotes)…TV Club and its most vocal members seem to enjoy ironically hatewatching shows more than genuinely enjoying them (hence the reason for the Kardashians continued celebrity), so I take any recommendations with a huge pile of salt.

Comic book physics, bro. It just works, BECAUSE.

Cucumber and Banana…are you kidding me? Is there going to be a lesbian show called Taco?

Why is that? I still like to hear others' opinions, I just don't put reviewers opinions any higher than anyone elses.

I'm still a little confused by this. Why don't you two just email or message each other?

When Netflix first started their "binge watching" model, critics…um…criticized them for making episode-ending cliffhangers needless since viewers could just start the next episode. Now Netflix tries to play to their model and just tell a season long story and they still get criticized.

Dafuq is this all about?

He's also the worst Green Lantern EVER…so I guess his voice is pretty punchable too.

I assume its a gold-like substance, or else yeah, they would definitely win the award for dumbest criminals ever.

Your downvotes mean nothing to me.

I only noticed it because it was the most recent-ish comment, so I caught it before my 20 second attention span shifted. I only said "pseudo" because you were talking about TV, so how intellectual could it be?

Is this a form of pseudo-intellectual masturbation, or do you expect people to actually read that?

Disliked, flagged, don't care, pineapple.

Marvel better step up its schedule. I'm not having the Infinity War get interrupted by some gatdamn asteroid.

Scandal is for people that can't handle the unrelenting truth that is Robot Chicken.

I think the show treats politics and politicians totally appropriately…like the lying, manipulative whores they are.