Kingsley Baconhausen

Seems as much an indictment on your closed mind as a criticism of the comment.

My only problem with Gugu Mbatha-Raw: Its "San You-nip-uh-row", not "San Ju-ni-pero".

“That is called the regular TV schedule, boo fucking hoo,”

Hehe, its all fun and games until YOU get made fun of. Love it.

Capaldi can only do so much, and Moffat and co. aren't giving him a whole lot to work with.

Except she can't die now. Moffat is gonna milk the shit outta that.

"If Kyle is the mouthpiece for Parker and Stone (as he so often is), then
the episode is saying that they, along with many other people around
the world (represented here by everyone else in South Park) feel
so stifled by PC culture that they can’t express any outlook that
doesn’t fall in line with a harmonious

If you consider 163 matches of a single game enough data to be considered conclusive, then I guess theres no reason to take anything you say seriously.

Its sativa that keeps you awake, while indica relaxes you and puts you to sleep.

We're not talking about a real situation though. To me, thats the biggest problem in how people are processing fictional stories nowadays. They bring their social agendas and outrage into it, but that kind of shit has no place in Westeros (or Middle Earth or Coruscant or wherever). While I understand that fantasy/sci

"he did it so him and his entire army wouldn't die in the blizzard
they're currently stuck in with few horses and little food and supplies"

When Jaime threw Bran out of the window it was setting up the kind of characters He and Cercei are. There was nothing to betray because we had barely been introduced to the characters. Stannis, on the other hand, did a complete 180 from telling Shireen how much he loved her and wouldn't let her be sent away for having

You pretty much furthered my point by making most of your post about Cercei and all but ignoring Shireen's situation. There was massive dissonance in Stannis' actions, he had just told Shireen how much he loved her and how he had saved her from being sent away to the stone people, only to sacrifice her? That was

Thats kind of what comments sections are for, friend. If you want meaningful discussion invite a few friends over for coffee. If you want snark, indignation, and questionable humor come here.

I guess thats where we diverge…I saw no ambiguity in the way Cercei acted in said scene. She was pretty much being her usual manipulative self, and her behavior in that scene mirrored her behavior in previous scenes, at least in my mind. It drove me crazy that folks tried to victimize a character as vile as Cercei,

So vile, wicked, hateful, evil Queen Cercei maybe kind of looks like she might be having sex against her will for a second (and lets remember that she has a habit of resisting before giving in if you recall her and Jaime's first scene in the tower at Winterfell) and the AV club loses its mind in outrage, but a poor

Thanks for the opinions y'all, seems like it might be worth checking out.

I think your attempt at cleverness is biting you in the ass, because I don't know if I'm supposed to be insulted or not. Believe me, I hate and love the heck out of stuff, just not this. Gender issues are just not a big deal to me. All I can think of is how bad it used to be, which leads me into thinking how good we

I'm hesitant to check this out. For one thing, as much as I love The Matrix and Speed Racer, I'm not much of a fan of the rest of the Wachowski's work. For another, I'm very sensitive to having social agendas shoved down my throat under the guise of entertainment (Elysium is a great example of a decent movie ruined by

Stop assuming everyone who doesn't agree with you is a prejudiced asshole maraleia, it makes you look like a pretentious, judgmental bitch. Just because we don't all roll out the red carpet for everyone with a mental disorder or alternative lifestyle doesn't mean we hate them. I don't expect special treatment for my