Kingsley Baconhausen

I like the Wookies (hair is not easy to do in TV CGI), and as far as Vader's "new" look, they are using Ralph Mcquarrie's old concept art as the style guide for the show, so in that context it makes sense.
Here's the original Vader concept…

First of all, its a kids show. Lighten up a bit (if you can) and you might enjoy it. The criticisms you're making show that the biggest impediment to your enjoyment of the show is, well, you. Second, you're comparing the first season of Rebels to the entire run of Clone Wars. The first season of CW was so bad it was

I think the best thing the show can do with Zeb is sacrifice him in a heroic scene. He's pretty much the worst part of the show (I like Chopper. The idea of a trolling, jerk droid cracks me up). At least if he dies a hero's death for "the cause" it could act to strengthen the rest of the group's resolve, which is more

Is Kyle Katarn even canon anymore, or is he now part of the "legends" or whatever they're calling it?

I think thats because all of us who would care already have a copy to watch whenever we want.

I'd say its more "mincing" than "minstrel".

I've never bothered to watch The Following because it looks horrible and no one has ever had anything nice to say about it. The fact that its your top pick tonight finally proves what I've been thinking for months: This site is more about hate-watching than actually enjoying what you watch. Its seriously fucked up how

"Triumph should be so stupid yet it is one of the best comedy bits ever"…for me to poop on.

That would be sick. Lets apply to be writers for the show. =)

Laurel is ruining the show for me. Every scene she is in is just agonizing. Its not the actress, its just that the character garners no sympathy at all from me because she is a horrible, selfish, thoughtless, stupid person. Too bad the good sister was already killed. Its not too late though. Laurel is in a perfect

I love that it only took one sentence to place a bee firmly up your ass, but thats probably because I listen to punk rock and not horrible pussy music for crybabies.

Its scary to me that you equate a hard working, do-it-yourself attitude with an "everyone wins so there is no reason to even try" mindset. Those are polar opposites.

No, but normally folks don't talk about things that they have no interest in.

As an old 80's/90's skatepunk, bands like Blink 182 and Good Charlotte were THE DEVIL to me when I still cared about such things. They basically took a genre of music I loved and re-packaged it for Hot Topic. It was the end result of political correctness and the "everybody gets a trophy" mentality of the 90's, and it

Thats why I call all of it "horrible pussy music for crybabies" and call it a day.

This wasn't so much a review as it was a list of complaints…not that I expect anything different around here.

Not even close. Aaron Sorkin would have a pre-written 40 minute diatribe explaining why it wasn't his time to give back, and how an entire generation of entitled children are blah blah blah.

You mean that ging that runs AICN?

Its not about what YOU prefer. We're not talking about objective right and wrong (even though folks like you try to make everything black and white), we're talking about different people having different opinions and being OK with it. Even if someone is being an asshole, what right do you have to condemn them? Are you

You're trying way to hard, seriously. I applaud your unflappable spirit, but you're just not very interesting.