Kingsley Baconhausen

Maybe stop trying to be funny and kooky for a sec and read the headline, then my comment.

Are you fucking serious? That was a real scene? Ugh, talk about pretentious white trash bullshit*. So glad I gave up on this mess last season.

Hmm, I thought ruining Spidey was a full time job.

Stoked to see the Convos with my 2 (3,4) Year Old dude getting work, but its weird to see him act like a grownup.

My opinion is based on a desire for people to stop being so damn sensitive about everything, and maybe stop acting like they're all the stars of their own reality shows. Bad things happen and sometimes you have to deal with assholes, you don't need to start an online petition every time someone is a jerk to you. In

Read the headline, didn't bother with the article, just stopping by to say NOPE.


No u

He's the showrunner, which makes him the boss. I've had bosses I didn't always agree with, but I sucked it up like an adult should. Your comment makes you come across as a professional victim.

The kind with a spine and a realistic sense of entitlement, I would assume.

I'll tell you what happened. He wrote/did something you didn't agree with and you turned on him. For some reason folks seem to think everyone has to agree with them nowadays, like dissenting opinions are some kind of personal attack. Its not about whats right, its about whats right for ME.

Not while Girls is a thing that doesn't get cleansed with fire.

Alena Smith comes across as a gigantic baby throwing a passive aggressive tantrum because she didn't get her way, but society has become so sissified that Sorkin somehow is made into the bad guy for trying to control his own show. We need to find our collective spine, this is just getting out of hand.

Folks, stop giving the troll attention and just flag him. At best you're arguing with a not-very-bright teenager.

Thats why you'll never understand what you're doing wrong.

People have been defending this show since the first episode, guess you were too busy being a shill for modern "feminism" to notice.

Are you talking about the episode or the review?

Seriously. As a conservative minded (NOT republican) person I disagreed with themes on The West Wing quite a bit, yet it still stands as one my favorite shows ever. The only explanation I have is that I'm not a gigantic baby that thinks everyone who disagrees with me is a bad person. Some of that is a "know your

After reading more of these comments I have to think that Aaron Sorkin must be tickled to know that so many people that cant stand him are taking a hour out of their precious lives every week to watch his show, and then even more time to bitch about it afterwards.

Spoken like a true warrior for social justice. Gotta save 'em all!